Monday, November 29, 2010

Zopiclone Overdose Fatal Dose

UFO & PYRAMIDS: is there a link?


Durante una conferenza il capo del dipartimento di Archeologia dell'Università Cairo, Dr. Ala Shaheen announced to the public that there might be some truth in those who claim that aliens helped the Egyptians build the pyramids of Giza.

shocked the Assembly a delegate from Poland, Merek Novak, addressed the additional questions Shaheen: "if the pyramid Keope may still contain traces of this alien technology, or there may even be a 'whole UFO in its structure" .

Dr. Shaheen's response was very vague about it, but without denying said: "I can not confirm or deny this, surely there is something inside the pyramid and" not of this world. "

Now has sparked uproar among the bystanders, and from that moment Dr. Shaheen has refused to comment further or deepen what he said. Brief bibliography of Dr.

. Shaheen

Name: Alaa el-din M. SHAHEEN

Permanent Address: Department of Egyptology, Faculty of Archaeology,

Cairo University, Egypt

Nationality: Egyptian

Martial status: Married and Have two sons and one daughter.

EDUCATION 1974 BA, Department Egyptology, Faculty of Arts,

Cairo University, Egypt

Major: Egyptology

1981 MA, Department of Egyptology, Faculty of Archaeology,

Cairo University, Egypt

Major: Egyptology

The title of MA: Peninsula of Sinai: A Historical and Archaeological

Study to the End of the Middle Kingdom.

1987 MA, Oriental Studies Department, Faculty of Arts,

University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A

Major: Egyptology

Minor: Syro-Palestinian Archaeology

1988 Ph.D. Oriental Studies Department, Faculty of Arts,

University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A

Major: Egyptology

Minor: Syro-Palestinian Archaeology

The Title of Ph. D : Historical Significance of Selected Scenes involving

Western Asiatics and Nubians in the Private Theban Tombs of the XVIIIth


N.d.R. Si riferisce la notizia in quanto "degna" di essere conosciuta, ma si mette in guardia a prenderla come Verità assoluta senza ulteriori approfondimenti.

Allnews web –
Michael Cohen
In tutte le occasioni e con i vari mezzi contattati il Prof. ha confermato la sua TOTALE estranietà ai fatti a lui imputati.
In pratica l'intervista Schock non c'è MAI STATA ed il sito
si è praticamente inventato ALL.
transmit his e-mail response:

Thank you for your email.
Notice is hereby given that I have no ads on the Pyramids and the false theory about aliens and related topics. It 's a completely false statement.
As an archaeologist I can not say a thing. Sincerely

Porfi. SHAHEEN Alaaeldin
Ex-Dean of the Faculty of Archaeology,
Cairo University, EGYPT
Pof. of History and Culture of Ancient Egypt and Near East

This is to be taken as further verification of the news coming over the Internet with caution.
These sites have published the address of prof. SHAHEEN # more inside-the-pyramid
And in this we had a telephone confirmation.; msg70186; topicseen # msg70186

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Books About How To Turn Yourself Into A Werewolf



di Claudio Dall’Aglio

Tanti anni fa ho incominciato ad interessarmi ai crop circles perché sono rimasto affascinato geometry and symbolism of the beautiful crop formations that appeared in England and around the world. Now, with years of research behind it, I got to the point of view that the phenomenon can no longer be considered an end in itself. I think, in fact, have found a sort of key that will help us to grasp the message. To be able to understand, however, we must take a big step back in time starting from ancient history, which is the basis of the esoteric symbolism, from the greek esoterikos (internal or inside, referring to the sacred mysteries).
the historical reconstruction of events will touch, for brevity, only some essential moments in history, linking the thread.
450,000 years ago, according to the Sumerian mythology A people from the planet landed on earth in search of a very precious material for the survival of his world, the gold. The landing site was in Mesopotamia, the land between two rivers, now called Iraq.
After the first settlement was initiated colonization, the construction of more facilities and a Mission Control Centre Earth regulating vessels departing from and arriving
Over time, the colonists began to dig even in the south of Africa and over the millennia they realized that they needed labor. And so, thanks to their knowledge, they decided to create a worker to be training that could help them (130,000 ac). Bryan Sykes, Professor of Human Genetics in Oxford, found that the mitochondrial DNA of the entire human race is descended from one woman (called by scientists Mitochondrial Eve) lived in southern Africa between 120,000 and 150,000 years ago. With
En.Ki (the Lord of the Earth - Science Mission Commander) after several attempts the man was born. Adam and Ti.Amat (Eva), the ancestors of terrestrial race, lived for a short period of E. Din (the house of the righteous, in Mesopotamia, which we know as the Garden of Eden) and then were removed from En . Lil (the Lord in Command) that do not accept them and not passed mai la loro creazione.
Con un secondo intervento genetico, da parte di En.Ki, due figlie di Adamo ed Eva diedero alla luce Adapa e Titi che a loro volta generarono Abele e Caino e altri 30 maschi e 30 femmine. Dopo sei generazioni nacquero: Enoch (En.Ki.Me – colui che ha ottenuto la conoscenza), Matushal, Lamech e poi Ziusudra (Noè).
In quel periodo i colonizzatori cominciarono a farsi trattare come Dei onnipotenti.
Un grande diluvio spazzò via ogni cosa dalle terre colonizzate, ma gli Dei riuscirono a mettersi in salvo ritirandosi sulle navi in orbita attorno al pianeta.
En.Lil (il Signore in Comando) ordinò, prima della catastrofe, che non fosse salvato nessun terrestre. En.Ki (il Signore della Terra), invece, cercò di salvare, almeno in parte le proprie creature e avvertendo Ziusudra, che riuscì a mettersi in salvo costruendo una nave. Insieme a lui e alla propria famiglia salì sulla nave anche un “attendente” di En.Ki, che li guidò nella navigazione.
Quando le acque si ritirarono gli Dei scesero sulla terra e si riinsediarono ma le terre riemerse non erano più abitabili come prima e così dovettero spostare gli insediamenti più a nord della Mesopotamia costruendo il Centro Controllo Missione a Shu.Lim (l’attuale Gerusalemme), il Centro Supremo delle quattro regioni In quel periodo il luogo di atterraggio era Baalbek (nell’attuale Libano) e la traiettoria di discesa per le loro navi era definita formed by the director from Mount Ararat and the Great Pyramid of Giza. Testimony of an advanced civilization are still to Jericho and back to 7300 BC.

In the two millennia following clan (the sky that reaches the ground) of the two brothers and En.lil and their respective offspring, born on earth, they divided the territory which ran from 'India via Egypt throughout the Middle East. The clan settled in Egypt and in some areas of the north of Iran and the descendants of En.lil in the remaining areas of the Middle East and Pakistan. In Egypt the worship of
Ptha (, the lord of creation, and his descendants Thoth (Nin.gish.zid.da) e Ra (Marduk) sono tuttora ricordati e provengono dalla mitologia Sumera-Accadica. Gli egizi, ad esempio, sapevano che Ptha
proveniva da una città lontana di nome Ur che si trovava, per loro, nel lontano est. Della fazione di En.Lil, invece, i nomi più altisonanti che sono arrivati fino a noi sono: Nannar (il dio Sin) ed Inanna (per gli egizi Ishtar).
Dopo che l’Uomo divenne indipendente gli Dei si ritirarono dal comando mettendo a capo delle regioni i loro “Sacerdoti” che facevano da tramite tra loro e i “terrestri”. Tutt’ora in Iran il “capo” del paese è una guida spirituale.
Le progenie dei due clan però non erano in accordo tra involved in their affairs and their masters' land ", in order to curry favor one or the other God, they initiate wars against their neighbors. Thus were born the boundaries between the different lands and with the story of Babel (Babylon = Bab.ili or door of the gods) began the linguistic divisions (Fig. 1a). At that time there were twelve of the Sumerian pantheon. The clan
En.lil realized that the situation was becoming untenable and decided to propose a single name, Yahweh (who is). Enlil chose him as their "by" Abraham (Abraham), born in Nippur and the son of a priest, who became the founder of the Jewish race. The term Jews in fact, comes from Ni.ib.ri (= those from Nippur), which in Akkadian and later became Ib.ri Ebrew. Abraham was ordered to take his army, his family and move to the land of Israel to bring order and establish its own people.
Yahweh said to Abraham, "Do not intermarry with them (non-Jews), do not give your daughters to their sons nor take their daughters for your sons, because they turn away your sons from following me to serve other gods, the Lord's wrath be kindled against you and soon destroy you "Deuteronomy (7:3).
2300 BC In the eternal struggle between clans led to the clash of some of their members which use nuclear weapons to destroy the launch pads of vessels located on Mount Sinai. So far, the radiation levels in the Sinai Peninsula are well above the norm. The effects of the radioactive wind, which spread to the east, wiped out civilization in Mesopotamia for about two centuries. There are stories of that time, the area of \u200b\u200bUr, which describes a wind that led to slow and painful death, typical of poisoning by radiation. The
-explorers found the other sites in South America where to extract gold easily, then build other ramps to launch their vessels and then an agreement was signed between the two clans. Quetzalcoatl was the name meso-American who took the god in Egypt si faceva chiamare Thoth (Nin.gish.zid.da in sumero).
Nel 550 a.c. sembra che ci sia stato l’epilogo e che gli dei se ne siano andati o perlomeno che si siano ritirati dal pianeta Terra lasciando le loro conoscenze ai loro sacerdoti. Lo dimostra un’incisione che si trova sulle colonne del tempio di Haran in Turchia.

La storia prosegue.
Nasce Gesù Cristo, Gesù deriva da Yehoshua che significa “Yahweh è salvezza” e Cristo da Kristos (greco), che equivale a Masiah in ebraico, che vuol dire Messia. Questo dio fissa un punto fermo nella storia e ridarà una speranza ai terrestri.
La discendenza di Cristo che Maria Maddalena portava in grembo raggiunse la colonia ebraica in Provenza. Da lì il sangue reale (Sang Real) si diffuse, col tempo, attraverso la casata Merovingia a tutte case reali più importanti d’Europa.
Durante l’impero di Enrico IV, del Sacro Romano, Impero iniziarono le crociate, volute da Papa Urbano II.
Dopo che nel 1099 i Crociati conquistarono la Terra Santa il Maestro Hugues de Payens, con un gruppo di otto uomini arrivò a Gerusalemme (Shu.lim = il luogo supremo delle quattro regioni) e si mise a scavare sotto il tempio di Salomone per nove anni alla ricerca di un tesoro nascosto (forse le antiche conoscenze). Nel 1119 ci fu la fondazione ufficiale dell’Ordine dei Cavalieri Templari, di cui Hugues de Payens fu il primo Gran Maestro.
L’Ordine dei Templari fu, poi, stripped with false accusations by the French King Philip the Fair and Pope Clement V in 1307, to seize the treasure of the order, secure in Paris. The plan hatched by the King of France, however, does not have the effect hoped for, the Knights Templar of Europe, in fact, get caught and arrested without resistance, as a cover for something bigger than themselves. In fact, with the escape by sea from France, a small group of Templars escaped to the King of France, the treasure came to Scotland (which did not apply the papal bull of dissolution of the Templars), more specifically, Rosslyn, in the hands of the ancestors William Sinclair, the descendants of the Merovingians and then the Sang Real. To keep the secret questi costruì nel 1446-50 l’omonima cappella, che riproduce fedelmente il Sancta Sanctorum del primo tempio di Gerusalemme.
Nessuno sa esattamente che fine abbia fatto il tesoro dei templari tra il 1307 ed il 1446. Si presume che quel gruppo di Cavalieri siano approdati ad Oak Island, una piccola isoletta canadese situata presso la Mahone Bay, in Nova Scotia.
Nella cappella di Rosslyn furono incise sulla pietra, nel 1446, le raffigurazioni di piante di provenienza americana come l’aloe ed il mais, prima della scoperta dell’America (1492).
Nel 1717 fu fondata la Massoneria, la quale riprese le conoscenze dell’Ordine Templare.
Dal luogo di fondazione, la Scozia, si diffuse in tutta Europa e poi in tutto the world to the United States of America whose founding fathers were affiliated to the most ancient rite, the Scottish Executive.
At this point, the historical part may end, we collected all the information we needed to continue. The location of the crop

The historical reconstruction that we have just seen now allows us to analyze the crop circles in a new light. As we have seen, the whole ancient history from a variety of symbols and meaning to words that we find in our lives that, over time, have acquired different meanings, but which, when viewed in their origin, allow us a much clearer vision. En
The word, for example, was in the past for the Lord, not to be confused with God's word, which translates as El or Elohim (sons of the goddess). In the south of England the word Lord in the course of time became Engel. From here Engelland (land = land), meaning Land of the Lord, who later became England.

After several years of statistical surveys of appearances of crop circles, this speech has allowed me to find a stationary point in decoding the message. In fact, since the phenomenon began its epicenter has always been the south of England (England), namely the county of Wiltshire, in the ruins of the standing stones of Avebury and Silbury Hill. The emergence of symbols occurs in a radius of about ten miles around these two archaeological sites of the late Neolithic period, since 1978. Do you think that, by itself, this small area each year has more than one third of the crop circles that appear around the world along with Britain and has a population of more than half. This is shown by the chart here, I realized many years ago to keep track of training.
It 's like the crop circles, insisting, in a specific area, Wiltshire, wanted to get our attention right there.
Let us try to insert the first element of the key, as we said earlier, will allow us to grasp the message:
Land of the Lord For
comprendere meglio il significato originale scriveremo, d’ora in avanti, quindi la parola England alla maniera dei sumeri.
Il centro supremo
Ora che abbiamo definito la struttura di partenza della nostra chiave passiamo al messaggio vero e proprio.
Sono trent’anni che i crop circles appaiono nei campi di grano inglesi e in altre parti del mondo. Dal 1978 sono apparsi all’incirca 16000 agroglifi. Di questi, però, non tutti sono autentici, diversi di loro sono artefatti. Colin Andrews, uno dei maggiori esperti ha dichiarato che, secondo le sue stime, la percentuale di crop circles “real” sarebbe attorno al tre per cento. Questo vorrebbe dire all’incirca 500 glifi “buoni” da quando il phenomenon began to appear regularly.
In my thought, well if you look at the drawings that form the genuine crop circles we see that their common denominator is always an ancient symbol, although schematically. Of all the symbols appeared a far more frequent than has always been one that represents the "geographical center" and, especially in recent years, has evolved into a very ancient symbol and highly representative. I'm talking about Shu.Lim, the center chief.

It is a symbol that is represented in many forms but all of them, when reduced to its primitive essence, is revealed for what it was originally the old command center or simply the ancient center of origin.
In the picture we can see the ancient symbol, Shu.Lim, represented in the physical center of the area of \u200b\u200bcrop circles, Avebury. As if to say "the supreme center" in the "physical center".
This suggests another element to our key, which then becomes:
Shu.Lim - Ki.En
The Center of the Earth of the Supreme Lord

Heaven and earth

The speech, however, is not yet complete missing a fundamental step to complete the sentence. This is the most complex one that needed more time to be discovered. For some anno, infatti, avevo intuito che il “centro” della questione doveva trovarsi nel Wiltshire ma non riuscivo a capire come si legasse con la distesa di simboli che sono piovuti su questo luogo per così tanto tempo. Mi riferisco, naturalmente, solo alla parte autentica del fenomeno dei cerchi nel grano.
E’ stato proprio quel “tappeto” di simboli, che per anni ho osservato speranzoso di poter decodificare, che all’improvviso ha avuto per me un senso in tutta la sua totalità.
Per spiegare cosa ha fatto scattare in me la scintilla e per comprendere il concetto dobbiamo partire col capire cos’è un simbolo. La parola simbolo deriva dal latino symbolum che ha il significato approssimativo di "mettere together "two distinct parts.
Crop circles, in this regard are complex shapes that can be interpreted in several ways. This is because each pictogram in reality, if it looks good, is a symbol or a set of symbols. For example, we have figures like the famous "Julia Set" is a figure representing both the fractal Fibonacci mathematical progression. Then there is the "winged globe" used in many ancient cultures, it is, in fact, an original symbol of ' Assyria and Egypt that was used by many initiatory societies such as Freemasonry. To continue, the Sumerian culture, we find the depiction of the planet (fig. 3d) e poi un’immagine associabile ad una doppia elica di DNA, l’acido nucleico che contiene le informazioni genetiche necessarie alla biosintesi . Infine possiamo trovare figure come una Menorah, un candelabro a sette braccia che nell'antichità veniva acceso all'interno del Tempio di Gerusalemme attraverso combustione di olio consacrato.

Apparentemente tutti i crop circles, presi uno ad uno, racchiudono un significato o più significati che sembra li rendano slegati gli uni dagli altri. Questo ha sempre tratto in inganno coloro che hanno cercato di trovare il bandolo della matassa. Cos’è che lega, quindi, un frattale, la raffigurazione di un pianeta mitologico, una Menorah, un’elica DNA and a "winged globe"? The answer is the knowledge that the Templars called gnosis.
Knowledge, which was given to our fathers by Anun.Na.Ki and has been handed down to us, means that every person who owns it will be raised up to understand who is the Lord (En) is not intended as
God-Given that the settlers were seen descending from heaven, this may lead us to say that reaching understanding is like saying "to establish a link between heaven and earth," with those who created us.
Then the last component of our key symbolized by the crop circles is: the link between heaven and earth, which resulted in Sumerian Dur.An.Ki.
Our key will be read:
Dur.An.Ki - Shu.Lim - Ki.En
The bond between Heaven and Earth is the Center of the Earth of the Supreme Lord
The mystery, however, does not end here. Now we find out exactly what and where is the link between Heaven and Earth.

Hill Zel

There is a place in the county of Wiltshire, which could combine with our key. The Sumerians had a term to describe their Ziggurat, which was E. Kur: the house is like a mountain. This resembles the archaeological site of Silbury Hill, located near the super-henge at Avebury, in the downtown area of \u200b\u200bcrop circles. It is a conical pyramid limestone which has a diameter base of 140 meters and a height of 40. It 's always been a mysterious and incomprehensible. The name of Silbury, as the legend says, came from a mysterious knight named Sir Zel, the armor shining robes who rode a horse from the luminescent who achieved extraordinary speeds. Over time Zel has become, in slang, Sil and the hill has been named Silbury Hill, "the hill of the Lord's light."
may, therefore, the hill of Sir Zel the bond between Heaven and Earth which, in a long time, talking crop circles? If it were really so, our ancestors have left us a means of communication, where you only need insert the key, per scoprire da dove viene la nostra cultura.

NEXUS n.88 ott-nov 2010

- L’enigma delle tracce circolari (Pat Delgado e Colin Andrews)
- Il mistero dei cerchi nel grano (Michael Hesemann)
- I nuovi cerchi nel grano (Michael Hesemann)
- La natura complessa dei cerchi nel grano (Eltjio Haselhoff)
- AA. VV. BLT Research (
- I misteri dell’antica Britannia (Hadingham)
- Il mistero di Stonehenge (John North)
- Il dodicesimo pianeta (Zecharia Sitchin)
- When time began (Zecharia Sitchin)
- Il Santo Graal (Henry Lincoln, Richard Leigh e Michael Baigent)
- Gli Ultimi Dei (Andrew Collins)
- Cloner le Christ (Didier Van Cauwelaert) (francese)
- I Templari Guardiani del Santo Graal (Franjo Terhart)
- Le Sette figlie di Eva (Bryan Sykes)
- Guerre atomiche al tempo degli dei (Zecharia Sitchin)
- 2000 A.C. Distruzione Atomica (David William Davenport - Ettore Vicenti)
- Il libro perduto del Dio Enki (Zecharia Sitchin)
- Il giorno degli dei (Zecharia Sitchin)
- La chiave di Hiram (Christopher Knight-Robert Lomas)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Congratulations On A New Job Prases


Se si desidera volare e pensiamo a come farlo non riusciamo a volare. Se invece uniamo animo e ragione resta solo l'agire con le BUONE INTENZIONI.

La gratidudine credo che sia un'emizzione di energia creativa e ricreativa a differenza del semplice desiderio che a volte può diventare un ostacolo.

A volte non serve solo dimostrare o lamentarsi, ma (forse?) basta anche che un clown, in questo caso una Clownessa and moreover Dottofessa Neny Nennella (nee Antonella Pasqualicchio) rose up to them incima ants on "soma" of a bale of straw to be able to tap with her wand at the sky, the stars and what it is in the middle .. .... to wish

"Long live the Ants"
Here, you can continue to sow the wheat to make bread.

We told the clowns that are just kind spells. # / photo.php? Fbid = 1644551204002 & set = a. 1077069857323.2014119.1543530937

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Brent Everett, Bottom

SHARDANA not only warriors!

Le civiltà degli antichi egizi e dei sardi accomunate anche dallo stesso metodo di calcolo.

the impetus comes from the past into the future. And to give the sprint is Nicolino De Pasquale. Gamberale an engineer, teacher Itis Volta of Pescara, who masters the numbers with a familiarity that the calculations make it seem the most unlikely of extreme simplicity. The one, three, six have opened the gates of ancient civilizations, giving him the solution of the deepest mysteries so far. The passion for mathematics and a greedy thirst for knowledge led him into the darkest depths of civilization as Maja, the Egyptians and the ancient people of Sardinia. Look carefully at a bar of wood and woven rope found between the findings of Andes in a few weeks has unearthed the Inca system of calculation that can do such complicated operations to be sent into a tailspin even our computer. Then, between calculations and assumptions made landfall in the land of the pharaohs, reproducing the numerical system and discovering that it is the same as nuragico. Ancient Egyptians and Sardinians are therefore linked by mathematical methods are very similar, based on calculations that would be for us the real puzzle. But which are the basis of the two civilizations. De Pasquale fact, "finger tip" on trigonometry. Looking round shields decorated with the typical circumference of the breast and the cosine of the warriors Sardinian found that are similar to those of the ancient Egyptian game of Senet and Snake. And that the trigonometric principles che le due civiltà adoperavano potrebbero essere per noi di grande vantaggio nel campo del tridimensionale. La sensazionale conclusione del suo studio sarà divulgata dallo stesso ingegnere nel corso del convegno "La civiltà dei numeri uno" che si terrà dal 19 al 20 novembre a Cagliari e a Isili, al quale prenderanno parte i massimi studiosi di civiltà antica tra cui Sebastiano Seatzu, professore ordinario di Matematica presso l'università di Cagliari.

Antonella Di Lorito Il Tempo

Mi permetto di precisare che questa “riscoperta”, è un tassello del complesso puzzle messo insieme nel corso degli anni dallo studioso LEONARDO MELIS (Shardana i popoli del mare), che conferma lo stretto legame che gli “Shardana” avevano con le popolazioni del mediterraneo, non solo come mercenari: “ I POPOLI CHE NEL II MILLENNIO a.C. DEVASTARONO IL MEDITERRANEO, CANCELLANDO GLI IMPERI PIU' POTENTI: HATTUSA, UGARIT, CRETA E MICENE FURONO RASE AL SUOLO, LO STESSO EGITTO SI SALVO' GRAZIE ALL'INTERVENTO DEI MERCENARI SHARDANA AL SOLDO DEL FARAONE RAMESSE III, CHE TROVARONO UN ACCORDO CON I LORO CONTERRANEI INVASORI ………” .
Vi invito ad approfondire visitando il sito di Leonardo Melis (link fisso su questo blog), e leggendo le sue pubblicazioni.

Marco La Rosa

Took Second Pregnancy Test Line Lighter

Jealousy: men and women compared

must distinguish between various aspects of jealousy: in particular, on the one hand, the constant fear that their partner to betray (and therefore the adoption of practices to guard against this possible risk), and on the other hand, the suspicion that it is really going some intrigue.
rations jealousy of course depend on the behavior of her or him, by circumstances, the type of people that are around us, the real opportunities of treason, on the strength of the relationship in the pair, but also on individual susceptibility. All, in fact, may have a reaction in the presence of jealous suspicions, but some people suspect is continuous learning and jealousy torment internal attitudes that lead to end up being very irritating to your partner, especially in the absence of compelling reasons: control, questions about the movement (even if done in an apparently random), objections to nights out, furtive examination of pockets or handbags etc..
In extreme cases there are real obsessive-compulsive disorders that are expressed through the jealousy and that can be treated with medication. (...)

But who is more jealous?
The men, according to polls, tend to deny to be, while women more readily admit it. E 'probable that the jealousy is in fact widespread in both sexes more than people are willing to acknowledge. Many today prove difficult to admit, because they see the jealousy a negative value, a way to be a bit primitive, which tends to oppress the partner and doubt of his loyalty. Professor Donald Marazziti told me that he had prepared at the University of Pisa, for a research-survey, a special questionnaire to evaluate the degree of jealousy of the participants: Well, surprisingly none of the fifty students who were part of the first script has wanted to fill it. Merely changing the title, called "Questionnaire for affective relationships, and there has been no problems. All have agreed to build it.
But there are couples where jealousy grows more than in others? According Several studies ... jealousy seems to be more present in those couples in which one of them has a low self-esteem. This perception of self, in fact, leads to feelings of inadequacy, helplessness, loneliness and provides a fertile ground for the initiation of jealousy, because of the lack of security and the consequent fear of being abandoned by their partner. Some research indicates that the rate of jealousy is higher in those who have already been betrayed, even when they have formed a new couple.
David M. Buss, University of Texas, that it has identified other types of couples seem to be particularly vulnerable. This happens when certain key factors intersect, such as differences in age, di bellezza e di reddito. Per esempio, quando un uomo sposato con una donna giovane e attraente si deve confrontare con un rivale di successo, dotato di maggiori risorse economiche, e crede di scorgere segnali di coinvolgimento sessuale della sua donna con il rivale.
L'altro caso tipico è quando una donna ha sposato un uomo con alto livello di reddito e percepisce segnali di coinvolgimento emotivo del marito nei confronti di una donna molto più attraente. Spesso in questi casi nasce un comportamento di vigilanza ansiosa che può in seguito degenerare.
La gelosia può diventare distruttiva in molte situazioni, ma soprattutto quando nascono comportamenti gelosi "a prescindere", tipici di individui che sono sempre in preallarme, che interrogano, peering continually warning signs of a possible betrayal. These checks will continue, if they become obsessive and suffocating, can generate violence.
In a study of battered wives, they had to seek medical attention, for example, has shown that husbands were trying to limit their contact with friends and family, always wanted to know where they were, dealt with the bad words make them feel uncomfortable with themselves.
For other individuals, however, true to the philosophy of long bridle. Supervision yes, but also trust. (...) Some people even believe that evoke jealousy in partners can be challenging to "awaken" the report said. (...) It may be that jealous the partner is useful in some cases to "wake up" his attention, make him feel that love is a commodity that can be lost if we do not strive to keep it alive as at the beginning, but being attentive to the "dose" of this provocation and the sensitivity of the partner. Otherwise you are likely quite different effects.

(...) In one of his research, David M. Buss University of Texas asked the following questions to men and women in the different countries and cultures of the world
"What would lead you to greater anger and despair:
  • discover that your partner has a deep emotional attachment with another person?
  • discover that your partner has sex passionate with another person, even experimenting with sexual positions that you imagine?
Both scenarios are shocking, but which one for you is the best? ".

The questions were posed to a sample of women and men in the U.S., Holland, Germany, Japan, South Korea and Zimbabwe. Each group included 200 participants. In the U.S. the majority of women (83 percent) said that emotional infidelity would be more injuries, while the majority of men (60 percent) they would sexual infidelity was (compared to only 17 percent of women). In other Weights range was, but confirmed the orientation of the fund (with a greater tolerance in Germany and Holland for the female sexual betrayal, also related to a tradition of greater sexual freedom and equality).
You can also try to ask the question to friends and girlfriends. According to Buss
this difference in the responses reveals something profound. That is to say to the man, who must defend the certainty of paternity is more important than sexual fidelity of women, for women, however, trying to defend the stability of the relationship is more important than the emotional loyalty. (...) There is a fact that Buss
tends to emphasize: that jealousy is not the result of rational reasoning, but an instinctive reaction, as is the fear of snakes, spiders, strangers, or the attraction of sugars and fats.
If the State had made a "rational" (ie, if it were only of concern to pass on their genes to offspring), today there should be almost jealous husbands, because if the wife uses contraceptives to sex with other men undermines the certainty of paternity At most, the husband should be concerned that his wife take the pill when he makes love to others.
Not so: this reflection comes from our deep primal and uncontrollable and involuntary. You can see that in animals, defending their exclusivity Sexual automatically, knowing nothing of the certainty of paternity.
Jealousy, moreover, is defined not by chance that the other side of love: it is actually the flip side of falling in love, sexuality, attachment, passions which are also instinctive in our genes. All together they complement each other: on the one hand guiding the achievement of a partner, on the other hand tend to instinctively defend this well earned.
But then it is only a game of genes and neurotransmitters?
(...) One reason for treason is not just the loss of an asset held, loved and cherished, but it is something that deeply hurt the pride, che rappresenta una sconfitta spesso inaccettabile, che fa sentire non soltanto traditi ma ingannati, creando un vuoto di solitudine incolmabile. (...)
Sia uomini che donne sono feriti da entrambi gli aspetti (il sesso e i sentimenti): ma le donne mettono più in evidenza i sentimenti perchè sanno che questi coinvolgono anche il sesso, mentre gli uomini puntano l'indice sul sesso, sapendo che le donne che si concedono lo fanno anche con sentimento.

Da "Ti amerò per sempre" - Piero Angela

Libri su Psiche, Amore e Seduzione acquistabili qui

Saturday, November 20, 2010

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Love: security ... but also freedom

Da una parte, noi impieghiamo molto del nostro time to define a family space and build a house - claiming our rights, ensuring a certain stability and making money. Second, we want to free ourselves from the limits that require greater security to our sense of adventure and our thirst for novelty. It would be hard to find manufacturers of nests blocked by the need for security so as not to feel the attraction of being, to quote Kerouac, still on the road. " It would be hard to imagine so attracted by the adventure of the nomads do not feel the need of a home. Often, gender differences affect the way in which these views are distruibiti and traded in pairs: one partner, more often the woman takes the value della casa e l'altro, in genere l'uomo, incarna quello della libertà della strada. Ma uno sguardo più attento rivela sempre la presenza di entrambi i valori in tutti e due i partner. E' difficile mantenere e dare voce a entrambi questi valori in conflitto del nostro sè, e perciò ognuno di noi è attratto dalle persone che danno voce a quello che anche noi vorremmo ma che abbiamo paura di riconoscere a noi stessi e di esprimere. E' difficile che gli uomini dipendano meno dalle donne dal senso di familiarità e della sicurezza, ma nella cultura contemporanea l'identità maschile è destabilizzata più facilmente dal desiderio di dipendenza. Allo stesso modo, è difficile che le donne siano meno avventurose degli uomini, ma hanno more afraid of the impact that their spirit of adventure may have on more traditional aspects of female identity.
All human experience is thus crossed by a basic conflict between the ordinary and the transcendent, security and adventure, the familiar and the new. (...) The

stable couples assume that their partner is already fully known, always accessible, always predictable. Security is presumed. Exploring in detail the fabric of these relationships stable but I have found that the sense of security is not something given but a construction, that familiarity is not based on a deep mutual understanding but on a collusive device, the predictability is not a reality but an elaboration fantastic. In the long-term relationships that end up, in fact, it often happens that one or both partners may discover to their surprise, that the things that they assumed the experience of others, beliefs that made more safe and boring, were inventions on which are often provided for a collusive agreement. The husband was not so reliable, his wife was not so devout. Often discover that their partner "boring" had all kinds of secrets, private thoughts and feelings and, perhaps, an affair in which to express them. "This is not the person I thought" is the classic complaint of the person betrayed. And 'this is precisely the point. What is knowable and expected someone else? As we are predictable and knowable to ourselves? (...)
At the base of stable relationships is the desire to assert the dominance of security and predictability of what is unpredictable, the well-known to the unknown, Adam Philips wrote:
"Knowing the people - or at least a certain kind of knowledge of the people - can be antierotico, the unconscious intention of some forms of familiarity is to kill the desire.'s not just that the avoidance, or jealousy, the desire to support, but also that certain learn about other ways to weaken their interest in us, and that this may be their explicit desire. Pertanto, dobbiamo stare attenti ai modi in cui gli altri ci invitano a conoscerli o ci permettano di conoscerli; e dobbiamo anche stare attenti alla possibilità che il conoscere possa essere un'attività troppo tendenziosa, troppo scontata, un modello per l'amore."

Philips parla di alcune forme coattive di conoscenza il cui obiettivo è quello di fissare la fluidità e la molteplicità dell'altro in un pattern prevedibile. Questo tipo di conoscenza uccide la passione romantica ed è davvero molto diffusa nelle relazioni stabili. (...)
Ci viene detto che l'abitudine uccide il desiderio. Ma come è possibile che una persona che ci ama divenga un'abitudine? Le abitudini sono molto utili per i compiti meccanici, like washing dishes or brushing your teeth. But relations are mortal. Probably, somehow turn into habits the people we love - but think how unfair it seems to us and makes us angry to be reduced to a habit, as there seems reductive and complexity of our humanity! What I mean is this: the habit that often, perhaps always, off the romantic love is not an intrinsic component of the nature of love, but its degeneration is a protective defense against the inherent vulnerability of romantic love. It is also a consequence of the evolutionary history of love. (...)

learn to love in the context of security and intentionally built the necessary early childhood, and love always looks for a safety in order to remove what is unknown, fantasized and dangerous. Ironically, efforts to strengthen the security and love are the ones that make it more dangerous. One of the reasons for wishing to seek monogamous bonds is always, of course, the effort to improve the safety of their relations, to build a barrier against the vulnerabilities and risks of love. And as a respectable monogamous involvement today tends to be reciprocal, the choice of a single loving partner increases our dependence on that partner, love makes it more dangerous and also makes it binding our efforts to ensure the durability of this love. And so facciamo finta con noi stessi di avere, in qualche modo, minimizzato i rischi e di esserci garantiti una certa sicurezza - e in questo modo miniamo le precondizioni del desiderio, che ha invece bisogno di una robusta immaginazione per respirare e crescere.
Il bisogno di sapere che conosciamo noi stessi e le altre persone, il bisogno di un attaccamento del tutto sicuro, è potente negli adulti quanto nei bambini. Ma nelle relazioni umane è difficile trovare sicurezza e prevedibilità. Lottiamo senza sosta per ristabilire quel senso illusorio di durata e prevedibilità. Quando i pazienti si lamentano del fatto che il loro matrimonio si sta spegnendo e sta morendo, spesso possiamo dimostrargli quanto preziosa sia per loro quella morte, As carefully and keep the claim, as the mechanical quality and predictable love to serve as a bulwark against the terror of surprise and dell'imprevidibilità. And so "secure attachment" is not a very useful model for romantic love, and mutual adult, except in its great size, deceptive and capable of sustaining security. Love, for his deepest nature, not sure, but we still want this.

From "love can last?" - Stephen Mitchell

Books on Psyche, Love and Seduction for purchase here

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Love, separation and possession

Everyone still holds self-separation and the ancient traces of these lives in a different way. The separations result from the case but after a few choices and remain as old wounds that leave the blood and contribute overflow existential angst. As the character of Allen in Crimes and Misdemeanors , what remains of us at the end of life are the choices we made. Life is not one that runs on the surface and that each of us think of life, but that sotterrenea flowing below, in the undergrowth sacred to which we give little importance until we get to say "how is success," Who waiting for him. "You have to read better in and stood watching. Life is so elsewhere. There is a big difference that floats on the level of our inner world of fantasy to reality. Often the true life is the inner and the inability to listen to our inner voices, our innocent cries, the cry of the lambs, which leads to unhappiness leaves overwhelmed when it happens.
E 'should perhaps pause a moment more about us and restore more of our coordinates.

The relationship between man and woman is sometimes complicated, very delicate and heralds a particularly distressing and sad moments. The loss of love brings some were important in our lives, our major losses and the fear of being abandoned. This fear
è arcaica ed è sempre presente in ognuno di noi e riattiva lo spauracchio interno di angosce profonde ed insormontabili. Chi non ha paura del lupo cattivo, chi non teme di essere abbandonato, anche se in maniera remota, chi non si angoscia alla più piccola possibilità di perdere una cosa veramente importante, soprattutto se essa riguarda il lato affettivo?
L'abbandono è una condizione che richiede un profondo training psicologico, per riuscire, tramite la coperta di Linus, a non sentire freddo e a gestire questo momento "transazionale" in cui l'altro non ci riscalda più e non è più con noi.
L'innamoramento costituisce una bolla di sapone che nessuno può far scoppiare, finchè si ritrova dentro. All'interno everything seems bright and it is impossible to get rid of that person who is the panacea, the only solution to our metamorphosis. It 's like if we send out that energy without which it is impossible to live. It seems to be the only remedy to the anguish of existence.
After separation instead that person is just like any other, something that belongs to our lives like any other, with no difference, and indeed is not a constituent element or distinctive as could be when we were inside the bubble soap.

Possession is a strange moment that can be an integral part of married life. The sex life is surely the moment in which we live in a clear and sometimes truly "divine" aspect of the possession ... Sexuality in its "crazy" physical relationship gives us a sense of possessing or being possessed. Not so in daily life
(...) The possession of a pair has a lot to do with the original fracture, with the desire to restore the lost unity in duality, and above all, is restoring the lost dependency. Sometimes a moment can be regressive and sometimes a real madness for two.
Possession, of course has nothing to do with belonging, where everyone keeps their defined boundaries, and explore the other in respect of their own and others' dignity.

E 'reasonable to think that happiness consiste nel possedere ciò che si desidera, oppure bisogna ammettere che una persona, una volta posseduto un oggetto ambito, si annoia? Una volta che possediamo ciò che desideriamo, la tal cosa o persona ha lo stesso valore di quando era un oggetto desiderato? E' vero che nella maggior parte dei casi il desiderio cessa con il possesso? Oppure è ancora più giusto sostenere che il possesso è spesso la morte del desiderio?
Questo non accade soltanto con gli oggetti, che un tempo ambiti finiscono spesso per essere dimenticati in un angolo remoto della casa, ma anche con quel che chiamano amore. La donna desiderata, diventata moglie, non è più desiderabile come prima. L'eros diventa allora una formalità da sbrigare o talvolta un'esigenza fisiologica da soddisfare. Il desiderio erotico per questo è disgiunto dall'amore, oppure l'amore nel tempo tende a spegnere il desiderio erotico? E' ancora utile discriminare saccentemente il desiderio erotico dall'amore? (...)
Il bisogno viene definito come una necessità per l'organismo, di sciogliere alcuni stati di tensione, attraverso un processo di tipo omeostatico cioè per mantenere l'equilibrio dinamico interno. (...) Il bisogno è sempre in relazione ad uno stato di tensione. Parliamo di bisogno di nutrizione, quindi, come la necessità di ripristinare una situazione di equilibrio nell'organismo e non come la necessità del cibo. Il desiderio, invece, è sempre legato ad oggetti. (...) When desire can not be achieved we speak of frustration, the ability to tolerate frustration characterizes man psychologically mature than the immature. In today's society seems to lack the ability to tolerate frustration ... In addition, the cultural mode of operation seems narcissistic type, so that happiness depends, such as advertising goes, the objects we own. In reality, our happiness, according to this view of operation, end with the possession of the object. The narcissist operates according to this scheme and is always bored, the normal person instead tolerate the frustration of desire, and admits the lack of this building its interior and above all do not get bored because possession is not an end but a means of research. Possession is half of phagocytosis, a means to expand one's self, expanding beyond the border. The erotic desire of the narcissistic type is less after the possession and then the narcissistic relationship ends quickly as it started, be it wedding, engagement or other. There is no erotic desire outside of the report and if so, is a way to satisfy the narcissistic needs, and to realize its theater unconscious, forgetting that beyond its image there is a person with feelings, ideas, methods diverse di essere e di esistere.
Alcune persone sono ancora in contatto fisicamente e mentalmente con quella che costituì la propria relazione significativa e che caratterizza una parte importante dell'immaginario. (...)

Una separazione va decisa con una forte energia; con una decisione che viene dal profondo, sentita improvvisamente come una cosa inevitabile. Si tratta di rimettere in gioco tutta una vita, un'intimità in cui si è creduto. Paradossalmente si può dire che non si prende mai la decisione di separarsi: è essa che ci prende.

Da "Amore e caos" - Pasquale Romeo

Libri su Psiche, Amore e Seduzione acquistabili qui

Friday, November 12, 2010

Found A Lump In My Bum


102 years after the fall of the famous Tunguska celestial body, the scientists were able to finally identify the site of the impact of one of its fragments and examine the ' unusual composition of the substance of this space creature. The study was conducted using a single instrument, the GPR. As a result it was proved that was not a meteorite, but a comet. The mystery of the Tunguska meteorite has long attracted the attention of researchers from around the world. Perhaps no visitor from outer space in the history of mankind has created so much noise, both literally and figuratively. The most sorprendente è il fatto che in un centinaio di anni dall'evento, gli scienziati hanno fallito nel risolvere il puzzle. Cosa è avvenuto nel fiume Pdkamennaya Tunguska nel 1908? I testimoni dicono che il 30 Giugno circa alle 7 del mattino, qualcosa che sembrava una palla gigante è volata sul territorio della Siberia Centrale in direzione nord-ovest. Il suo volo venne accompagnato da effetti sonori e luminosi ed è finito con una potente esplosione seguita dalla caduta di una foresta tra i fiumi Kimchu e Hushmo, affluenti del Pdkamennaya Tunguska.L'esplosione è avvenuta alle 7:14 del mattino tempo locale. E' stata accompagnata da un potente terremoto registrato da molte stazioni sismologiche del mondo e onde d'aria. L'eco dell'esplosione a Tunguska venne sentito a 800 km. dall'epicentro e il colpo fece cadere 2100km quadrati di foresta e in un raggio di 200km le finestre di alcune case si sono rotte. Subito dopo, una tempesta magnetica è iniziata e poi durata 5 ore. Ecco come questo evento è descritto da un testimone, residente locale, Semyon Semenov:

"Stavo muovendo la mia ascia quando il cielo a nord si è diviso in due parti ed è apparso il fuoco sopra la foresta, che ha coperto l'intera parte nord del cielo. In quel momento mi sono sentito molto caldo, come se la maglietta fosse in fiamme. Volevo strapparmela, ma il cielo si chiuse e ci fu un forte botto. Sono caduto e sono stato spazzato via. Dopo il colpo le rocce sembravano cadere dal cielo, sembrava di sentire degli spari, the ground shook and the rocks lying feared that I would break his head. When the heavens opened, got a warm wind from the north, as if from a cannon, which has left its mark on the ground. Then I discovered that many windows were broken and the lock on the door of the barn was broken. "Somehow later in the night June 30, were observed lights in the sky, clouds and a bright twilight unusually colored in various parts of ' Western Europe and Russia. With the comments made in Germany and England, it was understood that this was not the dawn light, but of a different nature. studying this phenomenon, a French astronomer who first suggested on June 30 the Earth collided with a cloud of cosmic dust. Later questa ipotesi venne supportata da molti altri scienziati prominenti, in particolare B.I. Vernadsky. Egli pensò che forse non si trattava di una semplice nube di polvere, ma di una nube ghiacciata, parte del nucleo di una cometa. Molti astronomi comunque pensarono che l'evento di Tunguska fu il risultato della caduta di un meteorite gigante sulla Terra.La prima spedizione sul sito del disastro venne inviata solo nel 1921, ma i membri non riuscirono ad arrivare. Solo nel 1927 un team guidato da Leonid A.Kulik riuscì ad arrivare nell'epicentro dell'esplosione. La cosa più interessante è che non trovarono un cratere lasciato dall'impatto del meteorite sulla Terra. Altra stranezza dell'evento di Tunguska fu che la foresta venne abbattuta in una grande area vicina al presunto sito del meteorite, ma rimase intatta nell'epicentro dell'esplosione. Sembrava che l'"alieno" fosse esploso in aria senza raggiungere la superficie del pianeta.Negli anni seguenti, i ricercatori non trovarono il cratere del meteorite o frammenti del corpo celeste stesso. Molti studiosi chiesero se fosse un meteorite. Si ipotizzò che l'esplosione non fu causata da un corpo celeste, ma da gas della Terra sfuggiti dall'interno (benchè non ne vennero rilevate tracce) o che la causa fu un esperimento segreto di Tesla con l'elettricità. Tutte queste teorie però non sono state confermate. I primi passi verso la rivelazione del mistero di Tunguska vennero fatti nel 2007 da un gruppo di ricercatori Italiani. La loro spedizione condusse geological exploration of subsoil and the shores of Lake Cheko, a few miles from the center of the explosion and determined that this pool of water 50 meters deep and was tapered.
All this suggests that a piece of the Tunguska meteorite fell at that point. Other candidates for the role of "craters" were the swamps next to Bublik, Suslov and channels of Cranberry. In 2010, a shipment of Vladimir Alexeev with the Troitsk Innovation and Nuclear Research Institute (Trinity) went to the area of \u200b\u200bthe fall of the meteorite. Scientists took a penetrating radar, a tool capable of probing the subsurface up to 100 meters. An examination of the crater it made clear that Suslov had been formed by the impact of a celestial body on the surface of Terra.Il bottom of this channel was structured as follows: the upper layers of permafrost were modern, in the damaged layers and then there were deeper, were discovered fragments of the cosmic body. Preliminary analysis showed that it was apparently a huge chunk of ice broke off from the nucleus of a comet.

The famous "Star of the corner" consist of unusual ice formed by water frozen in space, methane and other gases mixed with solid particles. The kernel weighs hundreds of billions of tons and is followed by a tail kilometers, consisting of rarefied gases formed by the evaporation of the ice caused by the sun.

happened that approached the Earth, the icy nucleus of comet broke into fragments, expelled kilometers away from the explosion. Having fallen on the surface of our planet formed several craters, including the channel of Suslov examined by the group of Alekseev. The tail of the comet that broke through the atmosphere caused the strange glow in the skies. Observed the night after the fall of the celestial body. The scientists also studied the tracks of the original material not retained land in the resin of trees in the epicenter of the explosion (still growing). The researchers concluded that the substance was very similar to the cosmic dust the comet's nucleus. This convinced them that further the "foreigner" should not be called the Tunguska meteorite, but the comet.

Quindi, la teoria suggerita molti anni fa dall'Accademico V.I. Vernadsky sulla natura di cometa del meteorite di Tunguska ora ha ricevuto una conferma. E' interessante che siano serviti quasi 100 anni agli scienziati per risolvere questo mistero. Però come dicono, meglio tardi che mai.

Enrico Baccarini;;

Fonte " Pravda.”, articolo di Anton Yevseev, tradotto da Richard per

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

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TUTANKHAMON .... new discovery about the true causes of death!

Un nuovo studio mostra che Tutankhamon, il famoso faraone-ragazzo, died around the age of 18 years, suffered a violent laceration of the chest, which probably would kill him.

X-rays and CT scans have shown previously that Pharaoh's heart, chest wall, the front of his sternum and ribs adjacent, are missing. For the ancient Egyptians the heart was removed forbidden thing.

"The heart, considered the seat of reason, emotion, memory and personality, was the only principal organ deliberately left in the body," writes Dr. Robert Ritner Egypt in the book.

The new research was led by Dr. Benson Harer, a physician with a background in Egyptology, which has been given access to almost 1700 TC immagini di Tut che sono state prese da un team di scienziati egiziani nel 2005. Il Dr. Zahi Hawass, capo del Consiglio supremo egiziano delle antichità, ha dato il permesso per il lavoro.

Nuovi sviluppi ci attendono.


Friday, November 5, 2010

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GOODBYE "MASTER"! We miss him! - Zecharia Sitchin Dead!

Ci giunge la notizia della morte di Zecharia Sitchin lo scorso 9 ottobre all'età di 90 anni. Sitchin è stato un brillante studioso nel campo della ricerca paleoastronautica. Personaggio controverso e molto dibattuto ha altresì rivestito l'innegabile ruolo di aver avvicinato discipline appartenenti ad ambiti ristretti towards the great pubblico.L 'online encyclopedia Wikipedia offers us a brief biography on this page:

He was the author of numerous popular books on the so-called mysterious or pseudoarcheologia archeology, and is a supporter of the "ancient astronaut theory" as explanation of the origin of man. The controversial theories of Sitchin, based on his personal interpretation of the Sumerian texts, are considered pseudoscience by the scientific and academic community, but show a good result in the popular literature.

He attributes the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to an alleged alien race called the Nephilim (Hebrew) or Anunnaki (in Sumerian), from the planet Nibiru, 9 º a hypothetical planet in the solar system from the revolution period of about 3600 years now the Babylonian mythology.

Sitchin also claims that at the main belt of asteroids in the solar system would have found a planet that the ancient Sumerians called Tiamat, which would be expected from the Titius-Bode Law.

Sitchin's view is not supported by any scientific evidence, and his personal theory is not considered reliable due to the absence of evidence, both from the linguistic point of view that from a scientific perspective.

Sitchin's theories should be a few seconds into the category of non-religious creationism, but the same Sitchin shows in his lyrics notions of theistic evolution, although he claims that the man would in his opinion the result of genetic hybridization experiments with terrestrial species conducted by aliens. Ninety years

Sitchin had not ceased to study the mysteries of our past and publish outstanding books. Among his other appearances, the most recent and significant Italian saw him with the late Monsignor Corrado Balducci at a conference held in Bellaria in 2000.

On site staff of the late scholar stands a request from the family to comply with this their time of grief or to remember for the work and the research carried out in recent decades.


Monday, November 1, 2010

Mysterio South Park ?



Andrew Howard and Geoffrey Marcy, University of California Berkeley astronomers have observed for five years a series of 166 stars of class G and K ( similar to our Sun) that are located within 80 light years from Earth, in order to find extrasolar planets and classify them according to mass and orbital distance from their stars. The result of this research is that there could be planets like Earth in size or mass, around a star out of four.

"Of the roughly 100 stars like the Sun typically, one or two planets are Jupiter-sized, six have Neptune-like planets, and super-Earth about 12 people ranging from 3 to 10 Earth masses, "Howard said." If we consider the size of planets similar to Earth, including 1, 5 and 2 times the mass of the Earth, believe that you might find around about 23 100 stars.

"It 's the first estimate, based on current measurements, the fraction of stars that have planets similar to our size," says Marcy, referring to the fact that, until now, the research has mainly focused in finding out the distribution of planets similar to Jupiter and Saturn, but not by smaller bodies.

The research is based on relatively small distances between the planets and their stars, so it is reasonable supporre che possano esserci molti più pianeti Earth-like a distanze superiori, e probabilmente all'interno della fascia di Goldilocks, la zona abitabile di un sistema solare in cui l'acqua può esistere allo stato liquido.

Gli astronomi hanno utilizzato il telescopio di Keck, nelle Hawaii, uno strumento di 10 metri che è stato usato per misurare le variazioni di luce delle stelle osservate. Questa tecnica, allo stato attuale, consente di scoprire molto più facilmente oggetti dalle dimensioni imponenti che pianeti simili al nostro, come giganti gassosi o super-Earth da 15 a 30 volte la massa della Terra.

In totale si sono scoperti 33 pianeti attorno a 22 delle 166 stelle osservate. Il risultato è stato che circa il 12% of solar systems are super-Earth planets, from 3 to 10 Earth masses, but the prospect is that the percentage can go up to 23% over the next year, when the technology will allow us to more easily detect the presence of planets similar to ours.

According to Howard and Marcy, they used the telescope could detect from 120 to 260 planets "conceivably land" around 10,000 stars of class G and K. "One of the goals of astronomy is to find 'age-Earth', the fraction of stars like our sun have a planet like Earth. This is a first estimate and the actual figure is probably an eight, but one in four. But there is one in 100, which is a very positive news. "