Monday, October 11, 2010

Ikusa Otome Valkyrie2 Online


October 10, 2010 by: AGI News On


The rich mines of King Solomon, she came from the gold brought as a gift from the Queen of Sheba in Ethiopia have been localized by two Italian archaeologists, Alfredo and Angelo Castiglioni, which have documented with a video released today on the final day the XXI International Festival of Cinema Archeologico, Rovereto.

"We have made five missions between 2004 and 2008, to search for old areas di estrazione" dell'oro di re Salomone, raccontano i due gemelli varesini che hanno dedicato la vita alle ricerche di archeologia, soprattutto in Africa, "Una zona aurifera fu probabilmente rivelata al sovrano ebraico dalla regina di Saba, quando si reco' a Gerusalemme portando in dono 120 talenti d'oro", come si legge sulla Bibbia. Il Libro dei Re racconta che "la quantita' d'oro che affluiva ogni anno nelle casse di Salomone era di 666 talenti": una ricchezza immensa, sottolineano i Castiglioni, poiche' un talento corrispondeva a poco meno di 30 chilogrammi d'oro.

Pur evitando di esprimere certezze assolute, i due archeologi italiani pensano di avere individuato le mitiche miniere sulle montagne dell'Etiopia sud-occidentale, Beni Shangul in the country, perhaps along the route path from the Queen of Sheba on his journey to Jerusalem.

"Our first three missions in the Heritage Shangul - tell the Castiglioni - yielded the discovery of huge gold-bearing zones were exploited in antiquity ', you still working with the same methods and tools of the time, and some deep tunnels are all 'by the locals now call' the ancient King Solomon's Mines'. " Another gold-bearing region, which is also likely supplier of gold to the king of Israel, is nell'Etiopia south-eastern mountains of ethnic Guji: the twins archaeologists have explored in 2007-2008.

E 'unlikely, commented Alfredo and Angelo Castiglioni, the mission the sovereign in Jerusalem had the motivation cited by the Bible: "The Queen, having heard the fame of the king, was to test his wisdom." More 'likely to be taken' by a trade mission, designed to exchange gold with copper (in History of Herodotus states that "the copper from the Ethiopians and 'the metal more' rare and precious of all, definitely more 'gold , so that in Ethiopia, the prisoners are "chained with fetters of gold"). In Israel, by contrast, were exploited to the north of Eilat copper mines, which are still called "Solomon's Mines".

Castiglioni I, along with other scholars who disagree with those who locate the kingdom of Sheba in Yemen suggest that the biblical Queen of Saba was an ancestor of Candace, the strong sovereign-warriors of the kingdom of Kush (corresponding to today's Sudanese Nubia, Ethiopia antiquity '), the country of the dynasty of pharaohs blacks. Besides fighting alongside their men, Candace seems to be able to carry out long and important trade missions.

The next mission, announced at the Rovereto review by the Castiglioni brothers, will be 'the archaeological excavation of the port of Adulis, in Eritrea, which will continue' the work started by the Italian Paribeni, at the beginning of last century.

This is the port which connected the ancient maritime trade between the East and the Mediterranean: the mission of the two Italian archaeologists, that start 'in January 2011 in collaboration with the Universita' di Napoli East, aims to test the hypothesis that the Eritrean coast was the land of Punt, which by Hatshepsut (the female pharaoh in Egyptian history, the eighteenth dynasty) port ' at court, at Thebes, rare and precious goods, including plants of incense which had a sacred value.


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