Sunday, February 20, 2011

Active Movie Window? Power Dvd


Subject: notice of intention

Vittorio Marchi

Vittorio Marchi is proposing a reflection on research related to the memory of water carried out by Masaru Emoto ...

Adapted from The Water Consciousness (DVD), Macro Video 2010.

Usually we think that everything around us is already something and that something exists without our intention. In fact, instead we must change our way of thinking, because even an electron, as recognized by the Nobel laureate Carlo Rubbia, has a tendency of mind. Therefore, we must recognize that even the material world around us, being made up of particles which make up, for example, the structure a chair, a table, a wall, a rug, a room or anything else that is solid, is nothing but one of the possible acts of conscience.

The most solid we can say about this matter is inconsistent that it is more like a thought (LIGHT, which stands for the only thing exists) than to anything else. Everything is consciousness, and from it the whole show as a big Matrix - said Max Planck, the father of quantum physics, as far back as 1944. And we do not do more to choose from time to time which of these acts of intelligent universal field to bring to reality.

The fact is that an ocean of waves of varying amplitude e frequenza è alla base del nostro esistere. La stessa poltrona su cui sediamo è, infatti, costituita solo di onde, nient’altro che di onde di energia, formate da microparticelle quali, elettroni, bosoni, gluoni, fermioni, barioni, adroni, fotoni, quark, e altro, tutti elementi che si muovono ad una velocità vertiginosa, in una condizione dunque che permette a questo comodo sedile di mantenere la propria forma. Il fenomeno è spettacolare, certo, ma per le persone rimane di una particolare bizzarria perché sembra sfidare le regole e la logica della nostra mente razionale.

Tuttavia, è stato a partire da questo spettacolo che Masaru Emoto, nato in Giappone nel 1943, ha cominciato ad occuparsi fin dal 1984 delle sue ricerche approfondite sull’acqua, iniziando, a sua insaputa, da un presupposto: che gli atomi non sono oggetti, ma solo tendenze.

Partendo quindi da questo presupposto, il ricercatore giapponese, ha inventato un procedimento scientifico per dimostrare che l’acqua ha una memoria, che è influenzata da inquinamento, musica, parole, scritte e intenzioni. I cristalli dell’acqua influenzata assumerebbero, a suo dire, una forma armonicamente simmetrica o, al contrario, caotica e disordinata, conseguenza dell’energia a cui sono esposti, sia essa sotto forma di suono (voce, musica), parola scritta (etichetta applicata al contenitore) o di pensiero.

Per associazione d’idee, we can not in this way, do not remember how the properties of the crystals had this to say Katrina Raphael, founded in 1989 in New Mexico's Crystal Academy of Advanced Healing Arts. The crystals have phenomenal properties. It is not just the result of a chemical reaction. Grow, with functions similar to human, which show to have similar energy fields of hexagonal shape, with figures, patterns and symmetries, built by a self-understanding that is astonishing.

In addition, the crystals have a sex, or have a nature both male and female. (See the One called God, p. 77.79 - Macroedizioni, Vittorio Marchi). In short, the world looked like a dead sea of \u200b\u200bexistence si rivela invece un mare vivente di particelle che strutturano la materia, anch’essa quindi una sostanza interamente e totalmente vivente, mentalmente viva.

Ed ecco allora che di colpo le regole del gioco, sperimentate in base alla classica visione meccanicistica dell’Inerte, concepite per ben quattro secoli in base ai modelli cartesiani e newtoniani, oggi non reggono più. E si assiste al crollo dell’Inorganico. A sostenerlo, insieme alle prove di laboratorio di Masaru Emoto, esiste una definizione da manuale di Marylin Schlitz, vicepresidente per la Ricerca e l’Educazione dell’Istituto di Scienze Noetiche, la quale afferma che l’intenzione, sotto forma di pensiero, è un piano premeditato volto to perform an action that will lead to a desired outcome. That is, the intention is a projection of consciousness with regard to the effectiveness of an object or outcome.

So now it's up to us. Most people do not influence the reality in a consistent, significant, because they do not think I can do. People generally write in mind an intention and then delete, because they think it is not possible, it is an absurd idea! What brings all this? In anything, the destruction of the possibility. So much so that many scientists are asking today: therefore possible that an individual with his own observation, can influence the world of present reality in front of your eyes? Of course yes, if that reality is alive! The same

Werner Karl Heisenberg, in the 30s of last century, was very explicit in this regard: the atoms are not objects, but only trends. And John Wheeler, one of the fathers of the atomic bomb, it was even more striking, when he declared that the realities of the world is nothing but an act of conscience undertaking. Helped by the biochemist then

Lee H. Lorenzen, Masaru Emoto has had the opportunity to give account of this situation soon, and broke it applied specifically to the particular molecular structure of water as an ideal element, in responding to non-physical stress after application to it of mental action.

Smaller particles recently discovered by physics are called mnemini. This then would explain the special ability of water to store the information received from the environment.

But why water? Because water is the most receptive of the four basic elements found in nature: the other three, as is known

are air, fire and earth. Because our body consists for 72% water, a figure that

not be overlooked and which, incidentally, coincides remarkably with the percentage distribution of the same element in the seas, oceans and in the circulating waters of our planet.

It was then, on the basis of this observation that Masaru Emoto had the idea to run a series of experiments on the crystallization of various phases and forms of this element, resulting in geometric shapes, harmonic or dissociative, employees time to time by the nature of the various mental stresses received and then photographed with a successful dark-field microscope.

The consequences would be amazing. Observer and observed interact intelligently. They understand. Rather they are a unity, just as the editor of this introduction remarked one day at a convention in Bellaria the Japanese researcher, to the amazement of those present.

This would mean that in our world to participate as observers,

we could very well be not only creators but also affected. This is because

Unus ex duo: creandosi the observer and the observed world is created. And then we would have to ask, given the trial made by Masaru Emoto on a Force, Thought, which produces all that it represents a change in the water, imagine what it might do if we thought we had the control to act on us.

Well, if one day we will succeed in realizing it, then in that day we also pay tribute to Masaru Emoto, for helping us in this undertaking and for giving us the opportunity to change our consciousness, to improve it and make it happier and more conscious about the reality of the world. That is, something that has to do with life as a matrix or array of ourselves.

So it is good to know that if by chance we happen to ask if there is something in our lives more, what is the purpose of our existence, because here we are, where we are going, what happens when we die; In short, if we begin to ask ourselves these questions, this does not mean that we are in the throes of a nervous breakdown or an attack of incipient dementia.

It means, very simply, that we started to connect with ourselves and that, in reality, what we're doing is we're starting to deal with an old world view.

Now, if the experiments of Masaru Emoto has a value, it is possible that while we are going the way of the abstract, they can lead us back to the straight path, to follow the path of the Real. We can only hope that so be it.

Adapted from The Water Consciousness (DVD), Macro Video 2010.

Watch the trailer for the DVD The Consciousness of Water, Macro Video 2010.


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