Thursday, July 23, 2009

Playground In A Skirt

The circle of "The Tale of Our Lives" W

are set in Sydney four years Journe carry around for Italy, the Circle, the Council, "the library of the soul", the word "Appointments Off Course" .

The experience has left many years ago meeting with Manitonquant and his wonderful book "Return to Creation." From there have been many circles that we made and that each living their own history. E, cosi l’anno scorso con alcuni di questi amici ed amiche sparse nel globo abbiamo realizzato anche una comunità “IL Cerchio, comunità libertaria per sognatori pratici” .

In particolare mi voglio qui soffermare su un tema che spesso propongo nei cerchi ed è quello di trasformare un momento negativo della propria vita in fiaba. Credo che tutti sanno la differenza tra una favola ed una fiaba quest’ultima a differenza della prima è priva di giudizi e di morali ed è sempre a lieto fine.

E’ evidente che qui non posso riportare nessun testo di fiabe che in tutti questi anni mi hanno raccontato i partecipanti ai cerchi. E, quando un amico scrittore mi chiese di regalargli un libro gli risposi che i miei sono libri che si possono solo custodire nella “Biblioteca dell’Anima” e che se fosse venuto anche lui una volta al council mi avrebbe regalato il suo ed io il mio..

Una volta con Sidney in Svizzera facemmo un council sul tema “la fiaba della nostra vita” fu bellissimo ed per certi versi terapeutico per alcuni. La fiaba che cura?Certamente si.La fiaba è un tipo di narrativa originaria della tradizione popolare. Nella stessa storia dei Nativi d'America si parla di council "delle storie che curano".

La fiaba è caratterizzata da componimenti brevi e centrati su events and fantastic characters such as fairies, ogres, giants and so on. Ida Magli (anthropologist) in the beautiful book (unfortunately no longer in print) "Honor the Great Spirit" makes us read fantastic stories they were told around the fire.

E, where the weather this past and future must consider it an "agent" (when present). Anthropology is the science of peoples, and also taught us how cultures (false beliefs, negative emotions: attachment, envy , hate, etc.) can "influence the state of health." The environment not only physical but also emotional.

Epigenetics today confirms that it is through our rescrizione "False beliefs" we can transform the chemistry of our bodies. In this respect you can read "The Biology of Belief" by Bruce Lipton or "Chemistry of Emotions" by Candace Pert. Our worldview is our ability to discover healthy humans.

reading this wonderful book of stories about Native Americans I have better understood why even Walt Disney could not be born only in America, just because of how much behind the tradition of cartoons, there is the tradition of stories "fantastic "Native American. Certainly a bit 'worn and bent, as we confirmed the same Ida Jersey, through the metamorphosis of his animals, much closer all’uomo, spogliando, gli animali, della loro “neutralità-istintiva” e dandoci in ogni caso la caratteristica che più ci fa ridere: “non imparano mai”! (loro?!)

Questa metafora, per certi versi la ritroviamo anche nella “Fattoria degli Animali” di Orwell, eppure questa, ancora oggi, non ci ha insegnato niente?

Non so quindi quanti di noi, sentendo questi racconti o vedendo i cartoni animati di Walt Disney siano stati capaci, di ridere di se stessi, perché questa caratteristica “del non imparare mai”, dovrebbe essere una “metafora” (pedagogica) sulla quale l’uomo dovrebbe meglio riflettere anche in ragione del that "science is ignorant."

The disease itself is a metaphor of our life and then it is much closer to humans than we think and that at the moment, has lost its naturalness of living with joy and then ammala.E, so a new coniamo motto "he who hesitates is not lost." Stop the circle to restart their lives.

overturning another "paradigm" represented by our so far "he who hesitates is lost."

mess I begin to be somewhat incredulously ask more questions: is not that we need to take their inspiration from ancient cultures (Native Americans, Maya, etc.) and the reasons why these "primitive" peoples have never developed their "technology" (death) even though they were able to develop them?

If we think of the fantastic stories that circulate on YouTube on September 11 we can do is cry (september to clus .. This item though not a fairy tale but a very ugly story).

whole mystery of the disappearance of the Maya, Inca, stay, and even if they were able to discover the time machine, like my clown bike, think about what would become known, as I did, their English conquistadors who chased them to kill them? Science, Science Fiction and Pseudoscience and the same theme Ida Magli metaphor that reveals when it accompanies readers to read his book.

Sure you can find a little dizzy when you sit in a circle and begins to tell "the tale of his life" but I can tell you that everything is magic in the circle. Not only tell you that you will realize how beneficial but who is sitting in front welcomes your story as the creation of a field "morfogentico" where everything takes shape.

And can the ear of the listener suggestions how to resolve a given question. Or even that you are sitting in front of a person (other than that which at that time tells the tale so to speak) who speaks to us dear: we question, we recommend; puts to the test.

science itself is the heir of Greek mythology and Latin, which changes the shape, but it appears the same as experience, to many people, though far from each other, but you do not recognize at the time, that the metaphor or the experience is fulfilled.

This is what can happen to anyone when you are sitting in a circle, "the tale of our life." Here you have to re-education, however, to write fairy tales. In fact, Ida Magli, explains that: there is a substantial difference between our stories and those of American Indians: "And 'the experience of Time." In essence, the Greek myths we've made them get out of the story giving the cut "Mythical-fantasy" because "too incredible and irrational", in between these tales and stories, there is the fact that "... this ... the thought ... the agent "must be understood with the same logic as two plus two equals four, and then it's true! A bit like at this time Ida came out sweaters from the book, perhaps the book is there on your kitchen table, and there is cose.Il explaining all this time "there or not," said Ida us and not only that, but invites us to believe that the future and the past indicate a time that is not there.

Valle Ste women to understand and come to an anthropologist! For

Please, Ida, we explain it better than this? I asked. She is sitting in the kitchen and asked me to give her a nice that you were tired of the journey he had made to come to my house now as I write this thing. And, thus resuming his reading the "wise men" notes tells me "A Nanos and ask me just you? ... We know that we exist in time, we are able to distinguish the phases: past, present, future and this knowledge comes at the same time awareness of each of us in the group, together with the group, but separated from the group. "" The time ... for Native Americans ... is repetition ... not in the sense that we could understand us though, but in the natural way of the term, as the passing days and seasons, always the same and unchangeable, and only with this balance, that does not mean immutability of human evolution, that the same ... time ... takes place and manifests itself in its ... evolution ". This reflection

propostami so masterfully by Ida, made me think of this place in a time where we came from and where you read this grim now that my reflection. And for this I went back with my bike time and I started making these circles also using more metaphors to facilitate them.

covenzione To say: Today, now, even though I say this with a sense of understanding and fear for our future è lo stesso tempo, che non possiamo più non credere che non sia dipendente, dalle stesse nostre emozioni e da quello che succede oggi alla natura.Lo stesso scorrere del tempo, incide sulle nostre emozioni, perchè ricostruisce vissuti. Lo stesso tempo naturale biologicamente saltato nella produzione forzata dei frutti della terra ha prodotto malattie.

Ora quanti di questi vissuti del tempo in negativo (o in positivo) hanno un rapporto, con il nostro contesto ambientale, della nostra vita: casa, lavoro, strada, città, alimentazione, ambienti naturali di vita in genere ? Con il nostro stato di salute?

In Spagna hanno fatto una ricerca ultimamente sull'accrescimento dei casi di tumori nella popolazione a causa social phenomena of unemployment. In Psychology

Biosystems Hamer speaks of the same biological conflicts on emotional experiences and how these impact on the disease through negative emotions and how it is now possible to build the antidotes to negative emotions through a process of emotion itself.

move from the logic of fear and even love incodizionato basically to themselves, being aware that the first acts of healing is forgiveness. The fairy tale?

Here today we need to reflect and then stop. Stop the earth and revive it. Stop to wait. Stop our race to a "better future", but failed again, absolutely fully understand, "how to".

For this we need to "stop our time" to reflect.

We have lost the ability to "listen" (ourselves and the earth, as well as other people who are dear to us) and hence will not succeed in stopping our time and go back into resonance with the whole. We feel more and more back and forth between past and future without living and understanding our present.

I believe that the diseases of the twenty-first century are largely caused by the inability of man to transform the present time, his negative emotions and their needs for survival. So "stop time" means "listen" listen means to heal.

The fairy tale differs from the fable, where the fantastic component is generally absent from the narrative structure that has an intention and moral allegory esplicito.Molti think that fairy tales have traditionally been designed to entertain children, but not entirely correct: they were told while you held common work, such as spinning, work done by gestures wise, but somehow automatic, which is not particularly engaged his mind.

So it is not true that "strive" to turn a negative event of their lives through the tale with a happy ending means "go to the mental and then get out of the logic that requires the council to act on the feeling of body and emotion. I think the opposite is true.

were mostly women's work, and is also why most of the narrators are female (women have a greater capacity and sensitivity), besides the fact that women were given the task of care-and-entertainment of children They recounted their tales inspired by the events of everyday life.

Fairy tales were all in all a pleasant entertainment for everyone, and "in front of the fire were" like children and adults of both sexes.

The circle in essence I got this old tradition as perhaps in the past fairy tales were born.

"Fairy tales sono state tramandate a voce di generazione in generazione per lunghi secoli e chi narrava le fiabe spesso le modificava o mescolava gli episodi di una fiaba con quelli di un'altra, o episodi della propria vita, dando a volte origine ad un'altra fiaba.”

Tutte le fiabe del mondo hanno caratteristiche analoghe e PROPP definì 31 funzioni narrative per la costruzione di una fiaba. In verità io ne do solo alcune fondamentali - per non complicarci la vita - :

1. trasformate un episodio negativo della vostra vita che state vivendo adesso in questo momento presente in fiaba (qui spiego la differenza tra favola e fiaba);

2. utilizzate la vostra figura come protagonista e come eroe della fiaba;

3. create il vostro momento magico di trasformazione ed il personaggio che arriva in vostro aiuto;

4. passaggio della situazione dal negativo al positivo;

5. lieto fine.Consiglio anche di mantenere indeterminato il tempo nel senso che passato presente e futuro si confondono e si uniscono nel tempo presente (stesso in cui si racconta la fiaba) gli stessi personaggi (voi stessi) , epoca e luoghi devono corrispondere all’episodio reale ma possono anche essere diversi, nel senso che sono quasi sempre indefiniti (e remoti), mai descritti con precisione, e quasi mai nominati. Tutte le fiabe devono iniziare in ogni caso con il "C'era una volta..." e/o "In un paese lontano..." senza dire ne dove ne quando e finire con "...è all lived happily ever after..

The facts should be represented unlikely or impossible and the characters exist in everyday life (many events described can only happen by magic, and many characters exist only in popular imagination or mythical, and often personify abstract concepts: the need, the hurt, pain, hope, solution, the award, the happy ending, etc.). And 'forbidden to enter judgments and moralistic aspects.

The characters are either good or bad or smart or stupid and there is no middle ground, the reason is always on one side, insert the fancy phrases or magic formulas; final apotheosis: As I said, there is always a happy ending (The good, the wise and brave - or stupid - are rewarded, poor girls become princesses, the young humble but courageous climb onto the throne, rewarded virtue, goodness wins, sempre.Lo aim is clear to use the word, aprticolare and the outline of the tale as therapeutic action: the story carefully.

The same meaning of the name Manitonquant (author of "Return ALL Creation") and Medicine Story. The story I care. "The Tale of Our Lives" to cure (heal), this is a book that I have not yet written and I can not write because it is kept in the Library of the Soul. "The argument instead of" the fairy tale that heals "were written many books.

If you go on the internet you can find some really interessanti.Essi However, in my humble opinion, address the issue only from a psychological point of view but I believe the experience I have personally verified in the circles that I made of " Fairy Tale of Our Lives, "with several people, it produces a" field "piscomagico (psychobiological, psicotranspersonale) that Sheldrake calls" morphogenetic fields "or Hellinger" family constellations "and" orders of love. "

In substance these circles interaggiscono more "communication systems" (play). Interaggiscono same time and so there is only a part of cognitive ma fondamentalmente traspersonale e biosistemica (emozionale) e quindi morfogenetica per me magica.Cosi sia la persona che racconta la propria fiaba come le stesse persone che ascoltano - con le “intenzioni” del cerchio - ne hanno benefici.Ne sono certo per averlo vissuto direttamente che la nostra stessa percezione subisce un cambiamento che va al di la di noi stessi e si congiunge a quella parte che si chiama coscienza globale, quella coscienza che non ci appartiene e dove tutti possono attingere attraverso canali eterei.

Coscienza a cui tutti siamo collegati, tanto che persone assenti al contesto e richiamate anche indirettamente dal racconto possono rivolgersi a noi che partecipiamo al cerchio, attraverso il vissuto della persona che racconta the tale of his life and asks us to mirror.

will demand an account of why and what we do and how you can change in a positive rather presente.E our situation, they understand that we are all networked in a so magical when you get up from two hours of the circle have the full knowledge of what it means to speak through the ether and how to heal with your story but also with what they told other people.

So not only what we have but basically told us what they told us altri.Per's why I brought my friend to a hospital where medical oncologists work to achieve a circle which has the diagram of the Clown cornerstones three aspects: The circle, a fairy tale, The smile (happiness).

Many times I found myself in front of people in two hours of circles have focused on the possibility of their change and as also related to what you have weakened the physical pain they had at the beginning. If not disappeared altogether.

This in my opinion is further confirmation of how the approach to taking care of people must have an understanding of multiple systems in relation to each other and not just one or even worse, they separated. Today

hyper specialization in medicine has done to spare the patient. The same hyper-specialized doctor is unable to accept the person as a whole.

Credo che il clown dottore debba sviluppare meglio questi aspetti all’interno del proprio intervento.

Ora , verità è prima di adesso che state leggendo questa cosa che ho scritto, che per voi è passato, ma è già per tutti futuro... per tutelare meglio il "DIRITTO alla FIABA della NOSTRA VITA" ho convocato per domenica 26 LUGLIO a Flumeri (AV) l'Avvocatissimo Gianni Puca, nostro dilettante fiabista, per elaborare un progetto di tutela e presa in cura con "La fiaba della nostra Vita".



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