course qualcuno di voi, leggendo l'atto costitutivo e lo statuto con i suoi principi e scopi ai quali la nostra associazione si ispira e fa riferimento può apparire un po’ complicato comprendere chi siamo (?).
Giusto per cominciare vi diremo che "ci siamo persi la comunità" e che vorremmo ricostruircene una nuova, anche se provvisoriamente.
Considerato che molte persone si sono addormentate in un sonno incantato e non si stanno accorgendo che la terra ci sta dando avvertimenti di continuo sulle “malattie” che incombono, abbiamo capito che solo ascoltando la saggezza dei bambini, del bambino che è in noi, possiamo continuare a sperare in un mondo better and turn us all into "medicine men" and the first thing to take care of ourselves.
" man of advanced age will not hesitate to ask a child of seven days where the place of life, and that man will live. Because many of the first will be last, and become one. " (Jesus)
The Isa La Bella Fairy who lives in a village not far from here, in a beautiful castle close-knit, with ladders and towers and secret passages (also seems to be inhabited by some witch that night is blowing under the door to give you too a lot of Legnante ... .. but that's another story), told us some 'time ago, that you, because all "sleep" is forced to "enter" into people's dreams and give him (also) a lot of blows on his head, to wake them up (though) this deadly spell in which they fell, unlike the witch who gives the wood to make incatesimi.
's so that advised us to "pursue the dream" and to avoid beatings of us in the head.
told us, too, want to learn to be a good clown "dottofessa. And, yes she wants to become a "medicine woman" to take care of all the world's ills.
Here, our best counselors are the children. And for this we rely on our clown: our "inner child" (whole person: first and last).
told us, too, want to learn to be a good clown "dottofessa. And, yes she wants to become a "medicine woman" to take care of all the world's ills.
Here, our best counselors are the children. And for this we rely on our clown: our "inner child" (whole person: first and last).
Now we all know that the earth is pregnant and beats at a higher rate. Certainly some troubles' to give birth again and for that we must all help ensure that we continue to hope that "... the last shall be first."
But like asking a child of seven days? Here we are a attempt to return to the building through a joyful re-creation. The body movement and every movement is frequency and vibration, the emotions that everyone can live in the musical notes. The first note is the G that is identified as the first note of the birth of the universe. There are seven musical notes, seven days and can be everything and anything we can rest on the seventh, too.
And we will all be like stem cells: reconstruct part of ourselves our child of seven days. That is one of the tasks of our "scientific research" should be to measure the musical vibrations of our cells and to understand if they are granted and remain in harmony with our Mother Earth. And so through our bodies give voice, emotion, rhythm, improvisation, energy, harmony and discipline.
is why we believe that the clown is "personified poetry" because it is the only one able to give our bodies (our truth) with our soul as if by magic, and so transform the illusion of our thoughts transforming all our cells like those of a child of seven days.
And, so he can return to the time of the alchemy of the wizards. As with my bike when the time I reached a place where a great Wizard of as Mrs. Lapo brought all just "magic" kind ". Here this is the place we want to create: a community of Libertarian Clown Doctors and Practical Dreamers where everyone can be able to do "magic kind."
Oh! What a joy a child again! And while the story is always the same: and that great ...".... never understand anything by themselves and the children get bored explaining things to them " (A. de Saint-Exupery)
What's on? But, as you have not yet figured out ... is "the dream, the utopia" in the circle of moun clown.
Clown "Doctor" Nanosecond
President "Community RNCD"
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