Gender: Men and women differ
The search for sexual pleasure also raises other crucial issues, not to mention the reports loving, full of pitfalls e interrogativi, mai risolti una volta per sempre. Il peggior trabocchetto congegnato dall'amore è forse quello di farci credere che la sua presenza spieghi e giustifichi tutto, a cominciare dalla sessualità. La donna è, in questo senso, più propensa a collegare l'erotismo alla presenza dell'amore.
A proposito del piacere sessuale, però, dobbiamo comunque partire da una domanda fondamentale: il desiderio nasce soprattutto nel corpo, nelle sue secrezioni ormonali, nei suoi circuiti cerebrali, oppure è un prodotto della psiche, dell'immaginazione, della fantasia? E' un'entità concreta, forse misurabile, o solo l'equivalente di un sogno a occhi aperti?
L'uomo e la donna hanno in comune, sul piano staff, many parts: the stomach, kidneys, etc. the same. Also on the hormone are much more alike than you think: the woman produces small amounts of testosterone, while men have hormones like oxytocin, prolactin. It 'only a matter of dosage. Yet there are major differences, especially on the experience of pleasure. The man shows a more easily orgasmic, but is charged with failure to leave the ground beaten, to change his way of making love. He prefers the habit, repetition (for this is the gestures led to perverse, where it has relationships with people, but with rituals), while women prefer the extraordinary element, not usual. The woman has an orgasm much more demanding, or if you prefer "aristocratic", which is not satisfied with predictable and repetitive gestures. The man often ends up to make a simple orgasm "download release," while the woman demands a higher quality to be sure that you want and do not therefore represent a sort of dummy.
The man has also a pleasure to reproduction, that is conditioned by the emission of semen. The woman has an orgasm instead of a more erotic, not so instantly recognizable to procreation. The man, the woman is not regulated as a natural rhythm, would create a daily schedule. For example, one often wonders about the frequency of the report, as if they were taking medicine. His orgasm is therefore a "hygienic" reassuring. The woman wants to excite the man in a qualitative sense. Excluding the most vulnerable women, who see the frequency of the sexual act as a calming factor, usually the woman wants her partner she desires, she, not just any, to the point that they preferred the partner do with love Another thinking of you rather than vice versa.
also about emotions, it is noted that for humans they are often a nuisance, while the women are a factor of excitement. Typically, the woman who falls in love has more desire to make love. As for sexual fantasies, the male ones are almost always faceless - visions of thighs, breasts, butts - those women in the field but often bring a little personal history. Another difference is found after orgasm: Man sees decrease arousal in women while further increases.
From "The many faces of pleasure" - George Abraham
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