not enough to love each other, let alone live together or be linked by a deep affection: he is she continues inexorably to speak two different languages, often impossible to reconcile. Express different views, different needs that occur with staggered times, causing misunderstandings and disputes to no end. So, beyond the smooth talk that slip away, men and women communicate is not at all easy. Analyzing the survey data with which we wanted to focus on these difficulties in communication, what catches your eye is that there are very few meeting places.
In practice, one in four admits this paradox is more difficult to open up to who should feel more closely, the partner first, and follow the parents and children. Much easier to let go with strangers or when you can have the relative safety of not being judged, and above all not having to find to give too much explanation as has been said. Men find it easier to open with an old friend who may not be met for years, which tell of the most confidential affairs, confident that the next meeting will take place probably in a fairly remote future. And the women? Much easier to tell their problems to the hairdresser that you go regularly. In addition, for both men and women, colleagues, with whom he shares much of the time, can make a good confidants.
Muti in bed
An additional aspect that emerges is that the unanimous report does not mean open your heart and lay bare his soul, but rather to seek support and to be a disappointment rincuorati, magari dopo un litigio o una brutta notizia. I momenti in cui la comunicazione risulta più semplice?
Sfatiamo un mito e precisiamo che non è vero che nei momenti di intimità sia inevitabile ritrovarsi a parlare: solo il 12% degli uomini e appena il 7% delle donne colgono l'occasione per trasformare la tenerezza o la passione nella premessa per comunicare col partner. La voglia di parlare ai maschi viene piuttosto dopo una bella cena in compagnia, magari con l'aiuto di un buon bicchiere di vino (32%). Per le donne invece, a ispirare solo le situazioni impreviste e i luoghi suggestivi e ricchi di fascino, diversi dalle quattro mura casalinghe. Gli argomenti più difficile da trattare? In assoluto dire addio al proprio marito or boyfriend. But one in four women admit to not even be able to bear children.
For men, however, the sentence is always harder to say "I love you", although in one out of four seems to be very, very difficult to admit that it did not feel like making love.
open and honest dialogue at all costs: this is the recipe that in recent years, experts and mass media have been recommended for a happy relationship. The silence was instead held up as the sworn enemy of love: he is that day after day affects the bond between two people. In the silence brooding resentment, doubt, discontent, create unbridgeable distance. Pairs according to this little talkative teoria sembrano destinate a vita breve e infelice. Ma davvero quando ci si ama bisogna dirsi tutto? In realtà, la totale confidenza crea una coppia simbiotica, costruisce un "noi" talmente forte da annullare le singole individualità, l'inafferrabile fascino dell'estraneo che ci aveva catturato all'inizio si annacqua fino a evaporare. Spesso non tacere nulla serve solo a diventare prosaici e banali, fin troppo prevedibili. A volte nasconde addirittura l'intento di manipolare l'altro, di sottoporlo a ricatti affettivi.
Più che parlarsi tanto l'importante è parlarsi bene, o meglio comunicare bene. Non è detto infatti che le parole siano l'unico modo per farlo. Lo dicono bene le coppie più affiatate: "A noi due basta uno look to understand. "When there is a deeper understanding or a strong attraction, in fact there are so many words: the body expresses very clearly feelings, moods, thoughts, desires, even opinions. A line so deep between a man and However, a woman, or is or is not, difficult words can create it. When you are incompatible or simply not available or interested in the other as if they speak two different languages \u200b\u200bmust be translated from one to continuously ' other, with the inevitable misunderstandings and exhausting discussions. Let us always remember that there are none so deaf as those who do not want to hear.
you often do not understand you? It 's possible that your communication is distorted by a few misconceptions. To identify what hinders the dialogue, think of all the times that you do not feel understood: usually these episodes always end with the same conclusion, a typical sentence: No one understands me
- Think only of yourself
- You I do not ever take seriously
- We're too different
- Whatever you do or say that'll be false
- I do not like me so I can not like you either
- not love me anymore but do not want to say
From "Riza psychosomatic No. 302"
Books on Psyche, Love and Seduction for purchase here
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