Saturday, November 27, 2010

Books About How To Turn Yourself Into A Werewolf



di Claudio Dall’Aglio

Tanti anni fa ho incominciato ad interessarmi ai crop circles perché sono rimasto affascinato geometry and symbolism of the beautiful crop formations that appeared in England and around the world. Now, with years of research behind it, I got to the point of view that the phenomenon can no longer be considered an end in itself. I think, in fact, have found a sort of key that will help us to grasp the message. To be able to understand, however, we must take a big step back in time starting from ancient history, which is the basis of the esoteric symbolism, from the greek esoterikos (internal or inside, referring to the sacred mysteries).
the historical reconstruction of events will touch, for brevity, only some essential moments in history, linking the thread.
450,000 years ago, according to the Sumerian mythology A people from the planet landed on earth in search of a very precious material for the survival of his world, the gold. The landing site was in Mesopotamia, the land between two rivers, now called Iraq.
After the first settlement was initiated colonization, the construction of more facilities and a Mission Control Centre Earth regulating vessels departing from and arriving
Over time, the colonists began to dig even in the south of Africa and over the millennia they realized that they needed labor. And so, thanks to their knowledge, they decided to create a worker to be training that could help them (130,000 ac). Bryan Sykes, Professor of Human Genetics in Oxford, found that the mitochondrial DNA of the entire human race is descended from one woman (called by scientists Mitochondrial Eve) lived in southern Africa between 120,000 and 150,000 years ago. With
En.Ki (the Lord of the Earth - Science Mission Commander) after several attempts the man was born. Adam and Ti.Amat (Eva), the ancestors of terrestrial race, lived for a short period of E. Din (the house of the righteous, in Mesopotamia, which we know as the Garden of Eden) and then were removed from En . Lil (the Lord in Command) that do not accept them and not passed mai la loro creazione.
Con un secondo intervento genetico, da parte di En.Ki, due figlie di Adamo ed Eva diedero alla luce Adapa e Titi che a loro volta generarono Abele e Caino e altri 30 maschi e 30 femmine. Dopo sei generazioni nacquero: Enoch (En.Ki.Me – colui che ha ottenuto la conoscenza), Matushal, Lamech e poi Ziusudra (Noè).
In quel periodo i colonizzatori cominciarono a farsi trattare come Dei onnipotenti.
Un grande diluvio spazzò via ogni cosa dalle terre colonizzate, ma gli Dei riuscirono a mettersi in salvo ritirandosi sulle navi in orbita attorno al pianeta.
En.Lil (il Signore in Comando) ordinò, prima della catastrofe, che non fosse salvato nessun terrestre. En.Ki (il Signore della Terra), invece, cercò di salvare, almeno in parte le proprie creature e avvertendo Ziusudra, che riuscì a mettersi in salvo costruendo una nave. Insieme a lui e alla propria famiglia salì sulla nave anche un “attendente” di En.Ki, che li guidò nella navigazione.
Quando le acque si ritirarono gli Dei scesero sulla terra e si riinsediarono ma le terre riemerse non erano più abitabili come prima e così dovettero spostare gli insediamenti più a nord della Mesopotamia costruendo il Centro Controllo Missione a Shu.Lim (l’attuale Gerusalemme), il Centro Supremo delle quattro regioni In quel periodo il luogo di atterraggio era Baalbek (nell’attuale Libano) e la traiettoria di discesa per le loro navi era definita formed by the director from Mount Ararat and the Great Pyramid of Giza. Testimony of an advanced civilization are still to Jericho and back to 7300 BC.

In the two millennia following clan (the sky that reaches the ground) of the two brothers and En.lil and their respective offspring, born on earth, they divided the territory which ran from 'India via Egypt throughout the Middle East. The clan settled in Egypt and in some areas of the north of Iran and the descendants of En.lil in the remaining areas of the Middle East and Pakistan. In Egypt the worship of
Ptha (, the lord of creation, and his descendants Thoth (Nin.gish.zid.da) e Ra (Marduk) sono tuttora ricordati e provengono dalla mitologia Sumera-Accadica. Gli egizi, ad esempio, sapevano che Ptha
proveniva da una città lontana di nome Ur che si trovava, per loro, nel lontano est. Della fazione di En.Lil, invece, i nomi più altisonanti che sono arrivati fino a noi sono: Nannar (il dio Sin) ed Inanna (per gli egizi Ishtar).
Dopo che l’Uomo divenne indipendente gli Dei si ritirarono dal comando mettendo a capo delle regioni i loro “Sacerdoti” che facevano da tramite tra loro e i “terrestri”. Tutt’ora in Iran il “capo” del paese è una guida spirituale.
Le progenie dei due clan però non erano in accordo tra involved in their affairs and their masters' land ", in order to curry favor one or the other God, they initiate wars against their neighbors. Thus were born the boundaries between the different lands and with the story of Babel (Babylon = Bab.ili or door of the gods) began the linguistic divisions (Fig. 1a). At that time there were twelve of the Sumerian pantheon. The clan
En.lil realized that the situation was becoming untenable and decided to propose a single name, Yahweh (who is). Enlil chose him as their "by" Abraham (Abraham), born in Nippur and the son of a priest, who became the founder of the Jewish race. The term Jews in fact, comes from Ni.ib.ri (= those from Nippur), which in Akkadian and later became Ib.ri Ebrew. Abraham was ordered to take his army, his family and move to the land of Israel to bring order and establish its own people.
Yahweh said to Abraham, "Do not intermarry with them (non-Jews), do not give your daughters to their sons nor take their daughters for your sons, because they turn away your sons from following me to serve other gods, the Lord's wrath be kindled against you and soon destroy you "Deuteronomy (7:3).
2300 BC In the eternal struggle between clans led to the clash of some of their members which use nuclear weapons to destroy the launch pads of vessels located on Mount Sinai. So far, the radiation levels in the Sinai Peninsula are well above the norm. The effects of the radioactive wind, which spread to the east, wiped out civilization in Mesopotamia for about two centuries. There are stories of that time, the area of \u200b\u200bUr, which describes a wind that led to slow and painful death, typical of poisoning by radiation. The
-explorers found the other sites in South America where to extract gold easily, then build other ramps to launch their vessels and then an agreement was signed between the two clans. Quetzalcoatl was the name meso-American who took the god in Egypt si faceva chiamare Thoth (Nin.gish.zid.da in sumero).
Nel 550 a.c. sembra che ci sia stato l’epilogo e che gli dei se ne siano andati o perlomeno che si siano ritirati dal pianeta Terra lasciando le loro conoscenze ai loro sacerdoti. Lo dimostra un’incisione che si trova sulle colonne del tempio di Haran in Turchia.

La storia prosegue.
Nasce Gesù Cristo, Gesù deriva da Yehoshua che significa “Yahweh è salvezza” e Cristo da Kristos (greco), che equivale a Masiah in ebraico, che vuol dire Messia. Questo dio fissa un punto fermo nella storia e ridarà una speranza ai terrestri.
La discendenza di Cristo che Maria Maddalena portava in grembo raggiunse la colonia ebraica in Provenza. Da lì il sangue reale (Sang Real) si diffuse, col tempo, attraverso la casata Merovingia a tutte case reali più importanti d’Europa.
Durante l’impero di Enrico IV, del Sacro Romano, Impero iniziarono le crociate, volute da Papa Urbano II.
Dopo che nel 1099 i Crociati conquistarono la Terra Santa il Maestro Hugues de Payens, con un gruppo di otto uomini arrivò a Gerusalemme (Shu.lim = il luogo supremo delle quattro regioni) e si mise a scavare sotto il tempio di Salomone per nove anni alla ricerca di un tesoro nascosto (forse le antiche conoscenze). Nel 1119 ci fu la fondazione ufficiale dell’Ordine dei Cavalieri Templari, di cui Hugues de Payens fu il primo Gran Maestro.
L’Ordine dei Templari fu, poi, stripped with false accusations by the French King Philip the Fair and Pope Clement V in 1307, to seize the treasure of the order, secure in Paris. The plan hatched by the King of France, however, does not have the effect hoped for, the Knights Templar of Europe, in fact, get caught and arrested without resistance, as a cover for something bigger than themselves. In fact, with the escape by sea from France, a small group of Templars escaped to the King of France, the treasure came to Scotland (which did not apply the papal bull of dissolution of the Templars), more specifically, Rosslyn, in the hands of the ancestors William Sinclair, the descendants of the Merovingians and then the Sang Real. To keep the secret questi costruì nel 1446-50 l’omonima cappella, che riproduce fedelmente il Sancta Sanctorum del primo tempio di Gerusalemme.
Nessuno sa esattamente che fine abbia fatto il tesoro dei templari tra il 1307 ed il 1446. Si presume che quel gruppo di Cavalieri siano approdati ad Oak Island, una piccola isoletta canadese situata presso la Mahone Bay, in Nova Scotia.
Nella cappella di Rosslyn furono incise sulla pietra, nel 1446, le raffigurazioni di piante di provenienza americana come l’aloe ed il mais, prima della scoperta dell’America (1492).
Nel 1717 fu fondata la Massoneria, la quale riprese le conoscenze dell’Ordine Templare.
Dal luogo di fondazione, la Scozia, si diffuse in tutta Europa e poi in tutto the world to the United States of America whose founding fathers were affiliated to the most ancient rite, the Scottish Executive.
At this point, the historical part may end, we collected all the information we needed to continue. The location of the crop

The historical reconstruction that we have just seen now allows us to analyze the crop circles in a new light. As we have seen, the whole ancient history from a variety of symbols and meaning to words that we find in our lives that, over time, have acquired different meanings, but which, when viewed in their origin, allow us a much clearer vision. En
The word, for example, was in the past for the Lord, not to be confused with God's word, which translates as El or Elohim (sons of the goddess). In the south of England the word Lord in the course of time became Engel. From here Engelland (land = land), meaning Land of the Lord, who later became England.

After several years of statistical surveys of appearances of crop circles, this speech has allowed me to find a stationary point in decoding the message. In fact, since the phenomenon began its epicenter has always been the south of England (England), namely the county of Wiltshire, in the ruins of the standing stones of Avebury and Silbury Hill. The emergence of symbols occurs in a radius of about ten miles around these two archaeological sites of the late Neolithic period, since 1978. Do you think that, by itself, this small area each year has more than one third of the crop circles that appear around the world along with Britain and has a population of more than half. This is shown by the chart here, I realized many years ago to keep track of training.
It 's like the crop circles, insisting, in a specific area, Wiltshire, wanted to get our attention right there.
Let us try to insert the first element of the key, as we said earlier, will allow us to grasp the message:
Land of the Lord For
comprendere meglio il significato originale scriveremo, d’ora in avanti, quindi la parola England alla maniera dei sumeri.
Il centro supremo
Ora che abbiamo definito la struttura di partenza della nostra chiave passiamo al messaggio vero e proprio.
Sono trent’anni che i crop circles appaiono nei campi di grano inglesi e in altre parti del mondo. Dal 1978 sono apparsi all’incirca 16000 agroglifi. Di questi, però, non tutti sono autentici, diversi di loro sono artefatti. Colin Andrews, uno dei maggiori esperti ha dichiarato che, secondo le sue stime, la percentuale di crop circles “real” sarebbe attorno al tre per cento. Questo vorrebbe dire all’incirca 500 glifi “buoni” da quando il phenomenon began to appear regularly.
In my thought, well if you look at the drawings that form the genuine crop circles we see that their common denominator is always an ancient symbol, although schematically. Of all the symbols appeared a far more frequent than has always been one that represents the "geographical center" and, especially in recent years, has evolved into a very ancient symbol and highly representative. I'm talking about Shu.Lim, the center chief.

It is a symbol that is represented in many forms but all of them, when reduced to its primitive essence, is revealed for what it was originally the old command center or simply the ancient center of origin.
In the picture we can see the ancient symbol, Shu.Lim, represented in the physical center of the area of \u200b\u200bcrop circles, Avebury. As if to say "the supreme center" in the "physical center".
This suggests another element to our key, which then becomes:
Shu.Lim - Ki.En
The Center of the Earth of the Supreme Lord

Heaven and earth

The speech, however, is not yet complete missing a fundamental step to complete the sentence. This is the most complex one that needed more time to be discovered. For some anno, infatti, avevo intuito che il “centro” della questione doveva trovarsi nel Wiltshire ma non riuscivo a capire come si legasse con la distesa di simboli che sono piovuti su questo luogo per così tanto tempo. Mi riferisco, naturalmente, solo alla parte autentica del fenomeno dei cerchi nel grano.
E’ stato proprio quel “tappeto” di simboli, che per anni ho osservato speranzoso di poter decodificare, che all’improvviso ha avuto per me un senso in tutta la sua totalità.
Per spiegare cosa ha fatto scattare in me la scintilla e per comprendere il concetto dobbiamo partire col capire cos’è un simbolo. La parola simbolo deriva dal latino symbolum che ha il significato approssimativo di "mettere together "two distinct parts.
Crop circles, in this regard are complex shapes that can be interpreted in several ways. This is because each pictogram in reality, if it looks good, is a symbol or a set of symbols. For example, we have figures like the famous "Julia Set" is a figure representing both the fractal Fibonacci mathematical progression. Then there is the "winged globe" used in many ancient cultures, it is, in fact, an original symbol of ' Assyria and Egypt that was used by many initiatory societies such as Freemasonry. To continue, the Sumerian culture, we find the depiction of the planet (fig. 3d) e poi un’immagine associabile ad una doppia elica di DNA, l’acido nucleico che contiene le informazioni genetiche necessarie alla biosintesi . Infine possiamo trovare figure come una Menorah, un candelabro a sette braccia che nell'antichità veniva acceso all'interno del Tempio di Gerusalemme attraverso combustione di olio consacrato.

Apparentemente tutti i crop circles, presi uno ad uno, racchiudono un significato o più significati che sembra li rendano slegati gli uni dagli altri. Questo ha sempre tratto in inganno coloro che hanno cercato di trovare il bandolo della matassa. Cos’è che lega, quindi, un frattale, la raffigurazione di un pianeta mitologico, una Menorah, un’elica DNA and a "winged globe"? The answer is the knowledge that the Templars called gnosis.
Knowledge, which was given to our fathers by Anun.Na.Ki and has been handed down to us, means that every person who owns it will be raised up to understand who is the Lord (En) is not intended as
God-Given that the settlers were seen descending from heaven, this may lead us to say that reaching understanding is like saying "to establish a link between heaven and earth," with those who created us.
Then the last component of our key symbolized by the crop circles is: the link between heaven and earth, which resulted in Sumerian Dur.An.Ki.
Our key will be read:
Dur.An.Ki - Shu.Lim - Ki.En
The bond between Heaven and Earth is the Center of the Earth of the Supreme Lord
The mystery, however, does not end here. Now we find out exactly what and where is the link between Heaven and Earth.

Hill Zel

There is a place in the county of Wiltshire, which could combine with our key. The Sumerians had a term to describe their Ziggurat, which was E. Kur: the house is like a mountain. This resembles the archaeological site of Silbury Hill, located near the super-henge at Avebury, in the downtown area of \u200b\u200bcrop circles. It is a conical pyramid limestone which has a diameter base of 140 meters and a height of 40. It 's always been a mysterious and incomprehensible. The name of Silbury, as the legend says, came from a mysterious knight named Sir Zel, the armor shining robes who rode a horse from the luminescent who achieved extraordinary speeds. Over time Zel has become, in slang, Sil and the hill has been named Silbury Hill, "the hill of the Lord's light."
may, therefore, the hill of Sir Zel the bond between Heaven and Earth which, in a long time, talking crop circles? If it were really so, our ancestors have left us a means of communication, where you only need insert the key, per scoprire da dove viene la nostra cultura.

NEXUS n.88 ott-nov 2010

- L’enigma delle tracce circolari (Pat Delgado e Colin Andrews)
- Il mistero dei cerchi nel grano (Michael Hesemann)
- I nuovi cerchi nel grano (Michael Hesemann)
- La natura complessa dei cerchi nel grano (Eltjio Haselhoff)
- AA. VV. BLT Research (
- I misteri dell’antica Britannia (Hadingham)
- Il mistero di Stonehenge (John North)
- Il dodicesimo pianeta (Zecharia Sitchin)
- When time began (Zecharia Sitchin)
- Il Santo Graal (Henry Lincoln, Richard Leigh e Michael Baigent)
- Gli Ultimi Dei (Andrew Collins)
- Cloner le Christ (Didier Van Cauwelaert) (francese)
- I Templari Guardiani del Santo Graal (Franjo Terhart)
- Le Sette figlie di Eva (Bryan Sykes)
- Guerre atomiche al tempo degli dei (Zecharia Sitchin)
- 2000 A.C. Distruzione Atomica (David William Davenport - Ettore Vicenti)
- Il libro perduto del Dio Enki (Zecharia Sitchin)
- Il giorno degli dei (Zecharia Sitchin)
- La chiave di Hiram (Christopher Knight-Robert Lomas)


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