Wednesday, December 29, 2010

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"At that time there were giants on the earth, and there were even later, when the sons of God came together to the daughters of men, and had from them figli.Questi are the powerful men who, ever since old, were famous. The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that their heart was only evil all the time. And the LORD repented that he had made man on earth, and it grieved his heart. And the LORD said, "I will destroy from the face of the earth man whom I have created man livestock, reptiles, birds of heaven, because I regret having made them." But Noah found grace in the eyes of SIGNORE.Genesi 6:1-8 "This' what the Bible says about giants. Sumerian texts, too, albeit in different ways and with a multitude of fine details, telling of beings who came down from heaven to earth. It was a community of people, men and women who came from the planet Nibiru and the Anunnaki who belonged to the people. They were of gigantic proportions and settled on the land, "say the Sumerian tablets" because they needed gold. According to these accounts, both men and women Anunnaki, joined to human beings and had children. For many, the Anakim, mentioned in the Bible, would be the descendants of the Anunnaki in Anakim would be the Hebrew translation. Other references to giants are found in other ancient cultures, in Greek myths are the myths of Prometheus and Atlas and Cyclops, but also with the Syrians and Hittites are myths of an ancient race of giants, but the story often turns into myth and legend, so the Giants are not confused with gods, so Ras Sham Ra are the boards where it is said that Baal was killed by the invaders, but Baal was a giant, and only in later times was seen as an evil god. In every corner of the globe there are similar stories reported in India, Thailand, America (the Maya spoke of the giants Quinatezmin), in the "Manuscript Mexican Pedro de los Rios," reads: "Before the flood that occurred 4008 years after the creation of the world, the land of Anahuac was inhabited by Tzocuillixeco, beings as we find representations ...", giant of giants in ancient temples, statues of 4-6 meters or more tall beings. These texts were merely a way to see characters that you wanted to give importance? The sizes of the statues represented the size of the characters? Who were these giants? and I never existed, or 'just fantasy writers? were men or demigods? Questions abound in contrast to the often non-existent answers' cause boycotted by the world accademico.Eppure proof of the existence of Giants are clearly visible and tangible in the world: In 1577 in Willisau in the canton of Lucerne came to light a huge skeleton from the bones. The authorities of the area rushed to convene a committee di esperti capeggiata dal anatomista elvetico Plater, di Basilea. Gli studiosi rimasero perplessi, ma dinanzi al parere del grande specialista chinarono il capo. Plater dichiarò che si trattava senza ombra di dubbio di resti umani, nonostante la loro mole fosse alquanto insolita. Lo scheletro era incompleto ma l'anatomista lo ricostruì sulla creta: ne risultò il disegno di un titano alto 5, 80 metri! Fu battezzato "il gigante di Lucerna" e le sue ossa furono orgogliosamente esposte in una sala del municipio.Nel 1895 Mr. Dyer nel corso di attività minerarie nella contea di Antrim, in Irlanda, scoprì un gigante fossilizzato. L'altezza che presentava era di 3, 70 metri, e in più il piede destro presentava sei dita. Nel MT. Blanco Fossil Museum (USA) has maintained a human femur long "almost" because the size of an average man, found in Mesopotamia. The man has been at least 5 meters high. Gargayan: human skeleton top 5, 18 metri.Ceylon: human remains of individuals certainly about 4 meters high. Zone of south-east China: human bones of people and certainly more than 3 meters high. Tools were also found to be the size disconcerting that you had to have handled an impressive force and must be at least 4 feet high: 500 ax axes of the individual weight of 8 Kg.Tura, Assam (West Pakistan) of the human skeleton 'height of about 3, 35 metri.Cina Southern coarse teeth about six times more than our teeth and belonged gigante.Isole a man of Java 1940: a lower jaw belonging to a tall man certainly about 3, 50 meters for his proporzioni.Nel Tibet, Sven Hedin claimed to have seen giant mummies hidden in places very deep. When you hear people talking about giants, assume that it comes to mythological or science fiction or inventions of all fabulous. But everything is far from 'be false or legendary. The existence of the giants has been documented in writings and discoveries archeologici.Risulta hard to believe this because nobody has given way to make you believe, but if you talk about dinosaurs have no difficulty in believing in a distant their existence. Archaeology Traditional si basa su dei principi inderogabili che fanno affidamento alla Teoria dell'Evoluzione Darwiniana.Con questo tutto ciò che non rientra negli scritti e nei concetti del Darwinismo diviene scomodo e inaccettabile per la storia perchè non fa parte dell'evoluzione scritta secondo Darwin e vanno a riempire gli scantinati dei musei di oggetti non classificati o se del tutto scomodi vengono distrutti;questi oggetti prendono il nome di OOPARTS.Quindi potete ben capire come alcuni ritrovamenti archeologici possano divenire scomodi a mantenere l'evoluzione e l'archeologia tradizionalista. Avete difficoltà a capire tutto ciò perchè semplicemente non siete stati abituati a credere, perchè qualcuno ha creato un canale mistificatorio, affinche giungesse nella our culture as something mythological. All this because archeology takes care to spend only what you can not shake the knowledge that we were raised .. otherwise would collapse all the knowledge of years of study and would not give more credit than archeology. For this reason, many archaeologists have been disconnected from traditionalists because they rebelled in not wanting to pass the lie, but only to know the truth, and their task was to engage in passing anything that was true even though some findings could provoke a world cultural upheaval, but they cared act as "Archaeology", by those who study also finds authentic as reperti.Quindi we show the skeletons of "giants" have been tampered with to throw in the channel of OOPARTS "finds out all logic." Finally, these are the giants mentioned in the Bible? were perhaps these mythical giants, whose traditions, and the fossil record, appear to be from one end of the world, to build megalithic sites such as Stonehenge, Sacsahuaman, Giza, and many others that seem to defy all logic related construction at the time? And perhaps these ancient traditions of gigantic beings and the evidence of their existence, which sometimes seem to emerge from the mists of the past and the soil of this may be linked to other myths such as the yeti and bigfoot? Responses to science, anche se questa, spesso, oltre a non rispondere a ciò che non conosce, nega ciò che sa.

Ipostasi del Tempo
Storia – Mito blog

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Disability Tax Credit

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Finalmente è stato svelato il DNA nucleare dello 'Starchild' : NON E' UMANO !

La scorsa settimana mi sono incontrato con il genetista che ha lavorato sul DNA dello Starchild. Mi ha spiegato che ora si può provare che il teschio dello Starchild non è interamente umano, come da noi sostenuto per anni. Ora non si tratta a matter of "if" but "when" and "how" did this astonishing new reality.

In 2003 we were able to perform DNA analysis for the human side and then recover the Starchild of mitochondrial DNA, the DNA outside the nucleus, which comes from the mother and her genetic line. This meant that the mother was of human origin. But we have been able to retrieve nuclear DNA, which comes from both the mother and father, which meant that his father was not a human being. Unfortunately, with the technology of DNA recovery in 2003 we could not prove what was in reality, leaving us in a scientific limbo. The result of the absence of nuclear research del DNA chiaramente significava che il padre non era umano, ma non potemmo dimostrarlo a pieno.

Ora, nel 2010, ci sono stati profondi miglioramenti nel processo di recupero DNA, e quei miglioramenti sono stati applicati al cranio dello Starchild ottenendo un sorprendente risultato. Il documento qui sotto mostra un chiaro e completo recupero nucleare del DNA, che non poteva essere eseguito nel 2003.

Confrontando i risultati con le informazioni della banca dati nazionale del National Institute of Health, che funge da archivio centralizzato di tutte le informazioni genetiche generate dai genetisti in tutto il mondo, e che ora copre essenzialmente tutti gli organismi viventi sulla terra, partendo dai vari virus, batteri, vari tipi di crostacei, fish and all kinds of plants and to conclude Animani monkeys and humans, we have clear answers.

For many species, including humans, are already in nucleotide sequences that cover entire genomes. Therefore, the DNA sequences of the Starchild can be directly compared to this vast database to find similarities.

By comparison with the data available to us can be seen for example in Figure 1 as 265 base pairs from the Starchild's nuclear DNA is a perfect match with the human gene on chromosome 1 - the mother.

Figure 2 instead get the incredible surprises. There is no significant similarity compared to a string of 342 that function as reference - His father. This result is surprising because you can not retrieve any pair of basic treatment because there is not a copy or reference in the archives of National Institute of Health. This means that until now has never found a corollary to the ground for this analysis. This incredible anomaly will enter the Starchild skull in the history books.

This has been tested several times and the different fragments analyzed can not be matched to anything known. Nevertheless, most of the skeptics, certainly not changing position say that this is something incomprehensible land, or is a mistake, simply because of their vision world, can not be true.

Fortunately, their bleats of protest can be easily overcome by running the repetition of the result, drawing information from fragments taken from the Starchild skull. According to the geneticist who has achieved these results in the coming weeks and months, many will seek to see clearly, repeating the test to find out that the genome of the skull does not come from the earth.

I would add that for now I can not reveal the name of the geneticist, nor where he worked until we are ready to formally present its findings to mondo.Tuttavia is a professional well established professionally and in which they operate is large and is very credible. They do not want to be bombarded by the media until all is not prepared, nor I for that matter. The dream is coming true.

Lloyd Pye

The 'history' of the discovery of the skull.

Taken from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Starchild (in Italian "Star Child") is the name given to a skull discovered in 1930 by a young Mexican in an abandoned mine.

The skull belonged to a skeleton buried in a tunnel, it appears next to the ruins of an older woman [1].

Ray and Melanie Young, the owners of the skull, in 1999 they founded a non-profit organization called The Starchild Project.

The skull Starchild (Starchild skull) came into possession of Ray and Melanie Young [2] El Paso (Texas), after which he would be given to the scientist and writer Lloyd Pye in February 1999. [3]. According to Pye, the skull was found around 1930 by a girl of about 13-15 years in Mexico, in a mine tunnel about 160 miles southwest of Chihuahua. The skull was buried next to a normal human skeleton lying on his back, his back [1], probably appertenuto to a dead American Indian woman about the age of 20-30 years.


The skull was submitted to the Carbon dating-14 (through which has established the age of 900 years), X-ray analysis, the atomic force microscope and ACT. The analysis confirmed that the skull consists of calcium hydroxylapatite, ie the material which is composed of normal human bone.

Based on the analysis performed on the jaw, upper right, it seems that the skull had belonged to a child aged between 4 and 5 years, but the brain volume amounts to 1600 cm ³ or 200 cm ³ more than the average an adult human brain and 400 cm ³ more of an adult skull with the same size.

The skull has several apparent anomalies:

A) the parietal area protruding from both sides of the orbits without any trace of the normal time;

B) the eye sockets are too shallow compared to the norm;

C) the orbits are oval and completely hollow;

D) channels in the optic nerve are deflected downwards and inwards to make it very unlikely the mobility of the normal eyeball [8];

E) the base of the neck is in an anomalous position;

F), the frontal sinuses are absent and the surface is smooth up to the eyebrows 'beginning of the nasal septum.

These characteristics indicate that the child was suffering from congenital defoma the skull. According to Steven Novella, the child was suffering from untreated hydrocephalus. Adelina Chow, avvalendosi del parere di medici specializzati, ha concluso che "Starchild" "soffriva di vari difetti umani congeniti" che avevano causato una pronunciata brachicefalia e un'anomalia della sutura frontale.

Sul cranio è stata eseguita un'analisi del DNA al BOLD di Vancouver nel 1999. Tale esame ha mostrato la presenza di cromosomi X e Y, confermando quindi che "Starchild" era un bambino di sesso maschile. Un successivo esame del DNA mitocondriale eseguito nel 2003 ai laboratori della Trace Genetics ha indicato che il cranio di "Starchild" e quello trovato insieme ad esso appartenevano a diversi aplogruppi amerindi e quindi la donna il cui cranio era vicino a quello di "Starchild" non poteva esserne la madre.

Starchild nella pseudoscienza

Sulle caratteristiche inconsuete del cranio sono state fatte anche speculazioni pseudoscientifiche. Lloyd Pye, ravvisando una somiglianza tra la forma del cranio di "Starchild" e quella attribuita agli alieni Grigi, sostiene che "Starchild" fosse un ibrido umano-alieno. Pye e chi segue la sua tesi rammentano che l'esame del DNA mitocondriale del 2003 non ha dato informazioni sul padre che quindi, a loro dire, potrebbe essere non umano.

Traduzione, adattamento e recupero informazioni a cura dello staff di

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Monday, December 20, 2010

Does Jcpenney Sell Chi?

"LOST SUBJECT: THE LAND" by Mauro Orlando


...., we can define a" trip .....( in this case) ... the meaning of the words "by Prof. Mauro Orlando - Honorary Chairman of our Community RNCD.

(Ed) The trip is planned in 17 steps which is given here as an index. Each topic will be published in Post only during these months on our blog and so on are interested in publishing them.


2. Comunitas

3. "Immunitas"

4. The community ... Idle "

5. The land


7. POETRY for .. "IO"

8. Poetry for "others"


10. Politics

11. Maliconia

12. Day

13. Friendship

14. Nostalgia

15. The community or "awareness" provisional

16. Know-political

17. Cynicism (letters to the living)


The basic question is' the subject, today as in the past, live and think as the earth. And the analysis of "how", the "land" and "living" is what is most interesting to engage in cognitive work even as well as aesthetic, existential, ethical or political. With regard to the 'live' we must recognize a debt to the philosophical theory of Heidegger and his philosophy on authentic existence. The root of the verb "to live is to have. Having the ground. Own land. Dominate the earth. Mastering the earth. Check the ground. Keep the land. Take the earth. Occupy the land. Appropriation of land. Everyone realizes this immediately.

In fact we must recognize that the social and cultural nature in which it expels originally was formed. Such a triumph of artifice and technology in modernity coincides with the almost absolute intelligence mechanized innerworldly Institutions are human beings, objects and artifacts or natural products? Or is this triumph also due to the delegation that philosophy or thought in general is currently granted to the "technical" to the point paradoxical and tragic in the history of the past century to hide the hand of the man who transformed the bread ovens in the crematoria of human ?

philosophy and human thought still have the main task to expand or allocated in time and space that affect earth? The philosophy, however, is never an academic discipline but a way of being .... open a corridor through which the person seeks the truth about oneself and the world around her. To love it and improve it.

To speak of a high and deep on the wording "land" dobbiamo necessariamente in ambito filosofico parlare di Heidegger( Essere e tempo) e Schmitt (Il nomos della terra). Non per salmodiare in modo rituale da allievi fedeli e proni ma per individuare un nuovo modo e un nuovo ‘nomos’ per pensare e vivere “il proprio territorio” in una epoca postfilosofica, postmetafica, postpolitca e soprattutto postideologica.

Occorre intendere che l’abitare la terra di Heidegger, come quello di Schmitt è comunque nel circolo. L’uno sprona e l’altro frena, il tempo. E nessuno vanifica l’ipotesi del cerchio magico e ipnotico. La contemporaneità con gli inevitabili strascichi del moderno , la tirannia del postmoderno tecnologico con gli echi mai sopiti classic, it requires a horizon of thought, where the tools of reason are necessarily brings together those of passion, feeling, heart, knowing that the horizons are moving away as much as we approach. Why

remembered by the poet Marina Tsvetaeva, "The thought is an arrow. The feeling-a circle. " We must therefore continue the journey by the thought of Heidegger, integrating it with our experience of everyday life happy or unhappy, it adds new considerations a new way of thinking, and make the best use of "a severe criticism of the condition in which is the performance of our existence ", noting che non si tratta di tornare al passato mitico o edenico di “paradisi perduti”o “isole felici” da rincorrere, ma di pensare,vedere , vivere e raccontare “i piccoli paesi” gli oggetti,le piante e gli uomini che li abitano concretamente con nuovi occhi e anche con nuove parole.

” Per vivere in un paese - scrive Franco Arminio - devi dismettere ogni arroganza. Non importa se la nascondi o la fai fluire. L’arroganza si sente, agisce come un acido che corrode i tuoi legami con gli altri. Il paese è una creatura che ti chiede misericordia.

Devi sentirti come un cane bastonato. Non devi sentirti uno che ha qualcosa da insegnare, uno che vuole cambiare la sua vita e quella degli altri. The country asks you to love what you are and what the country is. Simply ".. The earth is the same place, what appears to Heidegger, like Hegel, that projected in the fourth century a.Ch. Plato's myth of the cave so that the senses become constraining chains and learn how to use them to "return to see the stars." The site of the human being is in its ideal essence "being" thrown into the world and prepared for death as a natural fact and rational.

Life is linear, then it is "back to the past" to be able to think and leap into the future. "The future - writes M. Zambrano - one has first and foremost come ciò che sta per arrivare… il futuro lo sentiamo arrivare, sopraggiunge in maniera inevitabile”……

di Mauro Orlando - Presidente Onorario Comunita RNCD

“Merita il nome di sapere soltanto ciò che conferisce il giusto ordine all’anima”.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

What To Write Sisters Wedding Card

"LOST PERSONS" means the Community '... inoperable Mauro Orlando

"....amo le "eterie e i thiasi' greci non per supponenza e snobberia elitaria e esclusiva. Per me la democrazia individuale- comunitaria non è un ossimoro intellettuale ma uno stile di vita e una ricerca di senso e di identità troppo importante per il resto della non più tenera età!" (mauro orlando)
...., lo possiamo definire un "viaggio.....(in questo caso)...nel significato delle parole" curato dal Prof. Mauro Orlando - Presidente Onorario della nostra Comunità RNCD.

(NdR) Il Viaggio è previsto in 16 tappe che qui riportiamo come indice. Ogni argomento sarà pubblicato in Post unico nel corso di questi mesi sul nostro blog e su quant'altri sono interessati a pubblicarli.




3. "immunitas"

4. inactive community ... "

5. Land

6. Identity '

7. for POETRY .. The "IO"

8. Poetry for "others"


10. Policy

11. Maliconia

12. Festa

13. Amicizia

14. Nostalgia

15. Della comunità o della “consapevolezza” Provisional

16. Know-political

The word magic. ... Community is inaction. If we chose the word 'community', we find that it is due, ultimately, to a double sense: what is common and being-in-common .. The being-in-common rappresenta la modalità di esistenza del libero individuo che partecipa direttamente, insieme agli altri, a ciò che è in comune. L’essere-in-comune è appunto riferito ai componenti della comunità. Ma gli stessi componenti, sebbene fondamentali per l’esistenza della comunità, possono essere gli artefici di un ribaltamento dialettico un cambiamento di visione che li deve condurre da una modalità disgregativa a una aggregativa. È una dimensione plurale della comunità in cui la “molteplicità” fa intravedere una dimensione in cui la persona non è separata dalla vita, o da se stessa, ma coincide con essa in un sinolo inscindibile di forma e forza, di esterno e d’interno, in cui il soggetto è finalmente norma a se stesso e non deve nulla ad istanze trascendentali o trascendenti. In altre parole, un unicum, o singolarità, che coniuga il singolare e il plurale nella stessa persona.
Ed ecco allora il paradigma o la categoria originale e diversa della provvisorietà e ….della inoperosità. L’improduttivo spazio e tempo dell’inoperoso non è delimitabile da un opaco dispositivo di miscelazione di desideri arcani, pulsioni di fuga, resistenze inerziali, eremitaggi esistenziali, silenzi e rifiuti assoluti, immobilismi estremi. Volendo far uso di un lessico più squisitamente filosofico, possiamo peculiarmente qualificare l’inoperoso come la prevalenza dello stare dell’essere sul divenire dell’essere: esso è il sottrarsi giocato contro l’esporsi. In tal senso, è la faccia speculare del potere: l’abbandono simmetrico alla cattura. Noi vorremmo scongiurare l’abbandono delle emigrazioni,le fughe nella propria autosufficienza intellettuale o sociale,la cattura nelle neoideologie postmoderne del “fare” come variabile indipendente della producibilità umana universale e necessaria. Dobbiamo pensare per non disperare che possa esistere o essere pensata una possibile nuovo modo di fare economia. Si parla di economia ‘noetica’. Una possibile nuova situazione in which the visions, mirages, the hopes and shameful secret, the whole introflections, the silences and arrests unconditional extreme resistance and extreme practices can become inarticulate dell'inoperoso to live and think "small countries" of ' abandonment, and "earthquakes" of emergencies or natural or mechanical emergencies. it, thanks to its rationality metapoietica makes dell'inespresso of fantasy, dream and do not plan its object reader, and that does not tie its fortunes and its aims to the explosion of consumerism and reproductive sublimation. The unspoken el'inarticolato not necessarily devono essere letti nell’ottica sublimato, modificato e riprodotto. Attenti e sospettosi che anche l’inoperosità può essere trasformata in mercato operoso che mette in scena il fantasmagorico teatro della fruizione consumistica dell’inespresso. Che l’inerzialità, l’inespressività e l’inappagabilità dei desideri possono diventano sempre riproducibili, attraverso sequenze/figure immaginifiche: replicanti che si spacciano per mutanti. In queste condizioni inedite e nuove rifiutarsi di pensare che non v’è alcuna speranza di poter ingabbiare anche l’inoperosità nel ciclo o della salvezza o nell’orizzonte della linea di fuga. di Mauro Orlando - Presidente Onorario Comunità RNCD

“Merita il nome di sapere soltanto ciò che conferisce il giusto ordine all’anima”

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Rape Groping Japan Train


L 'antelope EAT' THE LION

like my grandfather Frieze '"The Nazis :

By: Marco La Rosa
(text and images copyright protected - all rights reserved).

This is a novel that is based on facts "really" happened. All characters are thus actually existed. Documents original attesting to the veracity of the facts are stored and found in it, you never know! .... For the story, however I used a fictional name.

"... .. in our genetics, understand Italian, there are only spaghetti and mandolin, as well as the Americans believe. There is much, much more. This story proves it. Shows that Indiana Jones, Indiana Jones, or better (except for celluloid), were however, a handful of Italian soldiers, who in 1937, in the region of the Horn of Africa "with an incredible capacity for intelligence, wit and courage, gave checkmate to 007 Nazi-hunting in the 'most famous archaeological ENIGMA History: ARK DELL'ALLENZA JEWISH. "

Upon reflection, I think it's still good, take a step back. Perhaps not everyone knows that:

... The stories of love between Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, Makeda, and the birth of their first son, Menelik, are recounted in great detail in the Kebra Nagast holy book, the Book of Glory of the Kings This ancient text also claims that once the world was made up of three kingdoms (...) led by three kings, the three sons of Solomon, and that there was a long period in which the King of all world descended from the lineage of Shem.

Like every other king of that period, Solomon began to surround themselves with wives, both for political reasons (it could così stringere alleanze con i popoli vicini), sia per dimostrare il proprio potere. Ma per questa via attuò anche una decadenza spirituale all'interno di Israele, dato che ogni nuova moglie adorava diverse divinità, e anche Salomone prese ad adorarli.

Il fatto portò alla decisione divina di dividere il regno in due parti, ma solo dopo la morte di Salomone: una parte a Roboamo, discendente legittimo, che regnò sulle tribù di Giuda e Beniamino e l'altra parte a Geroboamo, che regnò su tutte le altre, creando il regno di Israele.

Secondo la testimonianza del libro Kebra Nagast, Salomone perse la saggezza dal momento in cui il figlio primogenito Menyelek (o Menelik) assieme al figlio del sacerdote Zadok (o Tsadok) trafugò l' Arca dell'Alleanza contenente il Decalogo portandola da Israele in Etiopia, dove probabilmente si trova tutt'oggi. Effettivamente l'Arca non è più menzionata nella Bibbia dopo l'incontro di Salomone con la Regina di Saba descritto anche nell'Antico Testamento in : 1 Re 10; 2 Cr 9.

La mansione ufficiale era quella di addetto alla sorveglianza del personale indigeno. Noi costruivamo strade con manovalanza locale. Il frustino, era una dotazione standard, ma Aldo non lo usava mai, lo esibiva solamente, tanto bastava. Si perché, appena ti voltavi, loro si sedevano e smettevano di lavorare. In realtà, non conoscevano questa strana usanza degli uomini bianchi. Tutta un’altra filosofia di vita.”

“….. Tutto iniziò per l’appunto sulla direttrice in costruzione, che da Axum scende verso sud, passa da Gondar e costeggia il Lago Tana diretta a Ifag (oggi Addis Zemen) e poi da li, verso la cittadina portuale sulla sponda meridionale del lago, Bahar Dar Ghiorghiso (oggi Bahir Dar).”

“…..Dopo una breve pausa, il Colonnello osservò l’ometto magro e silenzioso che aveva di fronte. Si aspettava la sua reazione. Ma il soldato rimase impassibile. L’ufficiale allora, aprì il vano porta oggetti dell’automobile, né estrasse in involto in carta da zucchero, sealed with wax and gave it to Aldo.
"Inside you'll find photographs and postcards of this land, a tourist guide, maps and blank sheets of paper. You know how to find the information "hidden" that you need. "
While the man is turning over in his hands the bundle, the Colonel, he drew from his pocket a packet of ten cigarettes, brand name "Macedonia Extra". He handed it to a subject that, with a long sigh, took her and went to the match that the colonel was trying to hold on, making a shield with one hand. Muti pulled long thoughtful puffs, which galloped in the air than hot savannah, herds of antelope seemed to escape from predators. "

"... ... .. Bantu planted his feet and pushed the papyrus boat on the water.
Without a word he motioned to the two Italians to climb.
Aldo was the first. Entered the water that immediately came to my thighs, with a jump went up on that kind of canoe diamond, which swayed beneath his weight. The boat also did the same when he got Albert, but fortunately not overturned. Finally, also climbed the Ethiopian, who meanwhile had kept the boat because they do not stray too far from shore.
He took the short wooden paddle, which until then had held behind his back as a kind of arc, and began to row. The placid waters
e tranquille del lago Tana, scorrevano silenziose sotto di loro. Il trasferimento verso l’isola di Kirkos, doveva essere effettuato di notte, non si poteva rischiare di essere visti.”

Questi sono alcuni brani tratti dal romanzo che verrà pubblicato nel 2011, a 40 anni esatti dalla morte di mio nonno, e a 74 anni dai fatti narrati.

Marco La Rosa
