Finalmente è stato svelato il DNA nucleare dello 'Starchild' : NON E' UMANO !
La scorsa settimana mi sono incontrato con il genetista che ha lavorato sul DNA dello Starchild. Mi ha spiegato che ora si può provare che il teschio dello Starchild non è interamente umano, come da noi sostenuto per anni. Ora non si tratta a matter of "if" but "when" and "how" did this astonishing new reality.
In 2003 we were able to perform DNA analysis for the human side and then recover the Starchild of mitochondrial DNA, the DNA outside the nucleus, which comes from the mother and her genetic line. This meant that the mother was of human origin. But we have been able to retrieve nuclear DNA, which comes from both the mother and father, which meant that his father was not a human being. Unfortunately, with the technology of DNA recovery in 2003 we could not prove what was in reality, leaving us in a scientific limbo. The result of the absence of nuclear research del DNA chiaramente significava che il padre non era umano, ma non potemmo dimostrarlo a pieno.
Ora, nel 2010, ci sono stati profondi miglioramenti nel processo di recupero DNA, e quei miglioramenti sono stati applicati al cranio dello Starchild ottenendo un sorprendente risultato. Il documento qui sotto mostra un chiaro e completo recupero nucleare del DNA, che non poteva essere eseguito nel 2003.
Confrontando i risultati con le informazioni della banca dati nazionale del National Institute of Health, che funge da archivio centralizzato di tutte le informazioni genetiche generate dai genetisti in tutto il mondo, e che ora copre essenzialmente tutti gli organismi viventi sulla terra, partendo dai vari virus, batteri, vari tipi di crostacei, fish and all kinds of plants and to conclude Animani monkeys and humans, we have clear answers.
For many species, including humans, are already in nucleotide sequences that cover entire genomes. Therefore, the DNA sequences of the Starchild can be directly compared to this vast database to find similarities.
By comparison with the data available to us can be seen for example in Figure 1 as 265 base pairs from the Starchild's nuclear DNA is a perfect match with the human gene on chromosome 1 - the mother.
Figure 2 instead get the incredible surprises. There is no significant similarity compared to a string of 342 that function as reference - His father. This result is surprising because you can not retrieve any pair of basic treatment because there is not a copy or reference in the archives of National Institute of Health. This means that until now has never found a corollary to the ground for this analysis. This incredible anomaly will enter the Starchild skull in the history books.
This has been tested several times and the different fragments analyzed can not be matched to anything known. Nevertheless, most of the skeptics, certainly not changing position say that this is something incomprehensible land, or is a mistake, simply because of their vision world, can not be true.
Fortunately, their bleats of protest can be easily overcome by running the repetition of the result, drawing information from fragments taken from the Starchild skull. According to the geneticist who has achieved these results in the coming weeks and months, many will seek to see clearly, repeating the test to find out that the genome of the skull does not come from the earth.
I would add that for now I can not reveal the name of the geneticist, nor where he worked until we are ready to formally present its findings to mondo.Tuttavia is a professional well established professionally and in which they operate is large and is very credible. They do not want to be bombarded by the media until all is not prepared, nor I for that matter. The dream is coming true.
Lloyd Pye
The 'history' of the discovery of the skull.
Taken from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Starchild (in Italian "Star Child") is the name given to a skull discovered in 1930 by a young Mexican in an abandoned mine.
The skull belonged to a skeleton buried in a tunnel, it appears next to the ruins of an older woman [1].
Ray and Melanie Young, the owners of the skull, in 1999 they founded a non-profit organization called The Starchild Project.
The skull Starchild (Starchild skull) came into possession of Ray and Melanie Young [2] El Paso (Texas), after which he would be given to the scientist and writer Lloyd Pye in February 1999. [3]. According to Pye, the skull was found around 1930 by a girl of about 13-15 years in Mexico, in a mine tunnel about 160 miles southwest of Chihuahua. The skull was buried next to a normal human skeleton lying on his back, his back [1], probably appertenuto to a dead American Indian woman about the age of 20-30 years.
The skull was submitted to the Carbon dating-14 (through which has established the age of 900 years), X-ray analysis, the atomic force microscope and ACT. The analysis confirmed that the skull consists of calcium hydroxylapatite, ie the material which is composed of normal human bone.
Based on the analysis performed on the jaw, upper right, it seems that the skull had belonged to a child aged between 4 and 5 years, but the brain volume amounts to 1600 cm ³ or 200 cm ³ more than the average an adult human brain and 400 cm ³ more of an adult skull with the same size.
The skull has several apparent anomalies:
A) the parietal area protruding from both sides of the orbits without any trace of the normal time;
B) the eye sockets are too shallow compared to the norm;
C) the orbits are oval and completely hollow;
D) channels in the optic nerve are deflected downwards and inwards to make it very unlikely the mobility of the normal eyeball [8];
E) the base of the neck is in an anomalous position;
F), the frontal sinuses are absent and the surface is smooth up to the eyebrows 'beginning of the nasal septum.
These characteristics indicate that the child was suffering from congenital defoma the skull. According to Steven Novella, the child was suffering from untreated hydrocephalus. Adelina Chow, avvalendosi del parere di medici specializzati, ha concluso che "Starchild" "soffriva di vari difetti umani congeniti" che avevano causato una pronunciata brachicefalia e un'anomalia della sutura frontale.
Sul cranio è stata eseguita un'analisi del DNA al BOLD di Vancouver nel 1999. Tale esame ha mostrato la presenza di cromosomi X e Y, confermando quindi che "Starchild" era un bambino di sesso maschile. Un successivo esame del DNA mitocondriale eseguito nel 2003 ai laboratori della Trace Genetics ha indicato che il cranio di "Starchild" e quello trovato insieme ad esso appartenevano a diversi aplogruppi amerindi e quindi la donna il cui cranio era vicino a quello di "Starchild" non poteva esserne la madre.
Starchild nella pseudoscienza
Sulle caratteristiche inconsuete del cranio sono state fatte anche speculazioni pseudoscientifiche. Lloyd Pye, ravvisando una somiglianza tra la forma del cranio di "Starchild" e quella attribuita agli alieni Grigi, sostiene che "Starchild" fosse un ibrido umano-alieno. Pye e chi segue la sua tesi rammentano che l'esame del DNA mitocondriale del 2003 non ha dato informazioni sul padre che quindi, a loro dire, potrebbe essere non umano.
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