Wednesday, December 29, 2010

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"At that time there were giants on the earth, and there were even later, when the sons of God came together to the daughters of men, and had from them figli.Questi are the powerful men who, ever since old, were famous. The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that their heart was only evil all the time. And the LORD repented that he had made man on earth, and it grieved his heart. And the LORD said, "I will destroy from the face of the earth man whom I have created man livestock, reptiles, birds of heaven, because I regret having made them." But Noah found grace in the eyes of SIGNORE.Genesi 6:1-8 "This' what the Bible says about giants. Sumerian texts, too, albeit in different ways and with a multitude of fine details, telling of beings who came down from heaven to earth. It was a community of people, men and women who came from the planet Nibiru and the Anunnaki who belonged to the people. They were of gigantic proportions and settled on the land, "say the Sumerian tablets" because they needed gold. According to these accounts, both men and women Anunnaki, joined to human beings and had children. For many, the Anakim, mentioned in the Bible, would be the descendants of the Anunnaki in Anakim would be the Hebrew translation. Other references to giants are found in other ancient cultures, in Greek myths are the myths of Prometheus and Atlas and Cyclops, but also with the Syrians and Hittites are myths of an ancient race of giants, but the story often turns into myth and legend, so the Giants are not confused with gods, so Ras Sham Ra are the boards where it is said that Baal was killed by the invaders, but Baal was a giant, and only in later times was seen as an evil god. In every corner of the globe there are similar stories reported in India, Thailand, America (the Maya spoke of the giants Quinatezmin), in the "Manuscript Mexican Pedro de los Rios," reads: "Before the flood that occurred 4008 years after the creation of the world, the land of Anahuac was inhabited by Tzocuillixeco, beings as we find representations ...", giant of giants in ancient temples, statues of 4-6 meters or more tall beings. These texts were merely a way to see characters that you wanted to give importance? The sizes of the statues represented the size of the characters? Who were these giants? and I never existed, or 'just fantasy writers? were men or demigods? Questions abound in contrast to the often non-existent answers' cause boycotted by the world accademico.Eppure proof of the existence of Giants are clearly visible and tangible in the world: In 1577 in Willisau in the canton of Lucerne came to light a huge skeleton from the bones. The authorities of the area rushed to convene a committee di esperti capeggiata dal anatomista elvetico Plater, di Basilea. Gli studiosi rimasero perplessi, ma dinanzi al parere del grande specialista chinarono il capo. Plater dichiarò che si trattava senza ombra di dubbio di resti umani, nonostante la loro mole fosse alquanto insolita. Lo scheletro era incompleto ma l'anatomista lo ricostruì sulla creta: ne risultò il disegno di un titano alto 5, 80 metri! Fu battezzato "il gigante di Lucerna" e le sue ossa furono orgogliosamente esposte in una sala del municipio.Nel 1895 Mr. Dyer nel corso di attività minerarie nella contea di Antrim, in Irlanda, scoprì un gigante fossilizzato. L'altezza che presentava era di 3, 70 metri, e in più il piede destro presentava sei dita. Nel MT. Blanco Fossil Museum (USA) has maintained a human femur long "almost" because the size of an average man, found in Mesopotamia. The man has been at least 5 meters high. Gargayan: human skeleton top 5, 18 metri.Ceylon: human remains of individuals certainly about 4 meters high. Zone of south-east China: human bones of people and certainly more than 3 meters high. Tools were also found to be the size disconcerting that you had to have handled an impressive force and must be at least 4 feet high: 500 ax axes of the individual weight of 8 Kg.Tura, Assam (West Pakistan) of the human skeleton 'height of about 3, 35 metri.Cina Southern coarse teeth about six times more than our teeth and belonged gigante.Isole a man of Java 1940: a lower jaw belonging to a tall man certainly about 3, 50 meters for his proporzioni.Nel Tibet, Sven Hedin claimed to have seen giant mummies hidden in places very deep. When you hear people talking about giants, assume that it comes to mythological or science fiction or inventions of all fabulous. But everything is far from 'be false or legendary. The existence of the giants has been documented in writings and discoveries archeologici.Risulta hard to believe this because nobody has given way to make you believe, but if you talk about dinosaurs have no difficulty in believing in a distant their existence. Archaeology Traditional si basa su dei principi inderogabili che fanno affidamento alla Teoria dell'Evoluzione Darwiniana.Con questo tutto ciò che non rientra negli scritti e nei concetti del Darwinismo diviene scomodo e inaccettabile per la storia perchè non fa parte dell'evoluzione scritta secondo Darwin e vanno a riempire gli scantinati dei musei di oggetti non classificati o se del tutto scomodi vengono distrutti;questi oggetti prendono il nome di OOPARTS.Quindi potete ben capire come alcuni ritrovamenti archeologici possano divenire scomodi a mantenere l'evoluzione e l'archeologia tradizionalista. Avete difficoltà a capire tutto ciò perchè semplicemente non siete stati abituati a credere, perchè qualcuno ha creato un canale mistificatorio, affinche giungesse nella our culture as something mythological. All this because archeology takes care to spend only what you can not shake the knowledge that we were raised .. otherwise would collapse all the knowledge of years of study and would not give more credit than archeology. For this reason, many archaeologists have been disconnected from traditionalists because they rebelled in not wanting to pass the lie, but only to know the truth, and their task was to engage in passing anything that was true even though some findings could provoke a world cultural upheaval, but they cared act as "Archaeology", by those who study also finds authentic as reperti.Quindi we show the skeletons of "giants" have been tampered with to throw in the channel of OOPARTS "finds out all logic." Finally, these are the giants mentioned in the Bible? were perhaps these mythical giants, whose traditions, and the fossil record, appear to be from one end of the world, to build megalithic sites such as Stonehenge, Sacsahuaman, Giza, and many others that seem to defy all logic related construction at the time? And perhaps these ancient traditions of gigantic beings and the evidence of their existence, which sometimes seem to emerge from the mists of the past and the soil of this may be linked to other myths such as the yeti and bigfoot? Responses to science, anche se questa, spesso, oltre a non rispondere a ciò che non conosce, nega ciò che sa.

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