...., we can define a" trip .....( in this case) ... the meaning of the words "by Prof. Mauro Orlando - Honorary Chairman of our Community RNCD.
(Ed) The trip is planned in 17 steps which is given here as an index. Each topic will be published in Post only during these months on our blog and so on are interested in publishing them.
2. Comunitas
3. "Immunitas"
4. The community ... Idle "
5. The land
7. POETRY for .. "IO"
8. Poetry for "others"
10. Politics
11. Maliconia
12. Day
13. Friendship
14. Nostalgia
15. The community or "awareness" provisional
16. Know-political
17. Cynicism (letters to the living)
The basic question is' the subject, today as in the past, live and think as the earth. And the analysis of "how", the "land" and "living" is what is most interesting to engage in cognitive work even as well as aesthetic, existential, ethical or political. With regard to the 'live' we must recognize a debt to the philosophical theory of Heidegger and his philosophy on authentic existence. The root of the verb "to live is to have. Having the ground. Own land. Dominate the earth. Mastering the earth. Check the ground. Keep the land. Take the earth. Occupy the land. Appropriation of land. Everyone realizes this immediately.
In fact we must recognize that the social and cultural nature in which it expels originally was formed. Such a triumph of artifice and technology in modernity coincides with the almost absolute intelligence mechanized innerworldly Institutions are human beings, objects and artifacts or natural products? Or is this triumph also due to the delegation that philosophy or thought in general is currently granted to the "technical" to the point paradoxical and tragic in the history of the past century to hide the hand of the man who transformed the bread ovens in the crematoria of human ?
philosophy and human thought still have the main task to expand or allocated in time and space that affect earth? The philosophy, however, is never an academic discipline but a way of being .... open a corridor through which the person seeks the truth about oneself and the world around her. To love it and improve it.
To speak of a high and deep on the wording "land" dobbiamo necessariamente in ambito filosofico parlare di Heidegger( Essere e tempo) e Schmitt (Il nomos della terra). Non per salmodiare in modo rituale da allievi fedeli e proni ma per individuare un nuovo modo e un nuovo ‘nomos’ per pensare e vivere “il proprio territorio” in una epoca postfilosofica, postmetafica, postpolitca e soprattutto postideologica.
Occorre intendere che l’abitare la terra di Heidegger, come quello di Schmitt è comunque nel circolo. L’uno sprona e l’altro frena, il tempo. E nessuno vanifica l’ipotesi del cerchio magico e ipnotico. La contemporaneità con gli inevitabili strascichi del moderno , la tirannia del postmoderno tecnologico con gli echi mai sopiti classic, it requires a horizon of thought, where the tools of reason are necessarily brings together those of passion, feeling, heart, knowing that the horizons are moving away as much as we approach. Why
remembered by the poet Marina Tsvetaeva, "The thought is an arrow. The feeling-a circle. " We must therefore continue the journey by the thought of Heidegger, integrating it with our experience of everyday life happy or unhappy, it adds new considerations a new way of thinking, and make the best use of "a severe criticism of the condition in which is the performance of our existence ", noting che non si tratta di tornare al passato mitico o edenico di “paradisi perduti”o “isole felici” da rincorrere, ma di pensare,vedere , vivere e raccontare “i piccoli paesi” gli oggetti,le piante e gli uomini che li abitano concretamente con nuovi occhi e anche con nuove parole.
” Per vivere in un paese - scrive Franco Arminio - devi dismettere ogni arroganza. Non importa se la nascondi o la fai fluire. L’arroganza si sente, agisce come un acido che corrode i tuoi legami con gli altri. Il paese è una creatura che ti chiede misericordia.
Devi sentirti come un cane bastonato. Non devi sentirti uno che ha qualcosa da insegnare, uno che vuole cambiare la sua vita e quella degli altri. The country asks you to love what you are and what the country is. Simply ".. The earth is the same place, what appears to Heidegger, like Hegel, that projected in the fourth century a.Ch. Plato's myth of the cave so that the senses become constraining chains and learn how to use them to "return to see the stars." The site of the human being is in its ideal essence "being" thrown into the world and prepared for death as a natural fact and rational.
Life is linear, then it is "back to the past" to be able to think and leap into the future. "The future - writes M. Zambrano - one has first and foremost come ciò che sta per arrivare… il futuro lo sentiamo arrivare, sopraggiunge in maniera inevitabile”……
di Mauro Orlando - Presidente Onorario Comunita RNCD
“Merita il nome di sapere soltanto ciò che conferisce il giusto ordine all’anima”.
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