Nel film Ricomincio da capo , Bill Murray interpreta il ruolo di Phil, un giornalista televisivo egocentrico che si occupa delle previsioni meteo, mentre Andie MacDowell è la sua giovane produttrice Rita. Fanno colazione insieme in un caffè Phil and asks: "Who is your man, that is, your perfect man?".
"Well, first of all it is too humble to know that it is perfect. E 'smart, helpful, funny. And' romantic and courageous. It also has a nice body, but does not run to look in the mirror every two minutes. E ' brilliant, sensitive, sweet, and then is not ashamed to cry. By the way, loves animals and children, and changing diapers full of poo. And then play an instrument and wants so much to his mother ... " At one point, Phil interrupts: 'It's always a man we're talking about, right? ". (...)
This scene perfectly mirrors the current situation, why do not è solo Andie MacDowell ad aspettarsi di tutto e di più. La maggior parte delle donne se lo aspetta.
In nessun'altra epoca storica le donne si sono aspettate tanto dagli uomini. E, come la battuta di Phil rende evidente, l'elenco dei requisiti ha una connotazione androgina. Se vi sembra che le donne vogliano che siate al tempo stesso l'uomo perfetto e la donna perfetta, avete ragione. E' così. E non si vergognano a dirlo. Sentite alcuni commenti ricavati dal sondaggio su "New Woman".
- "Uomini, riconquistate il vostro lato femminile."
- "Gli uomini devono riprendere contatto con la loro parte femminile".
- Gli uomini dovrebbero avere più caratteristiche femminili".
We were particularly surprised by how much anger build up women every day. On the one hand, it is not surprising. Their expectations are greatly exaggerated. What man could meet them? (...)
first argument to be corrected: the male ego. Or, as they call usually women, the legendary male ego.
It 's true, there are many men with a particularly strong ego. Women have a love-hate relationship with the male ego, and when they appreciate it, call it self-confidence . If nothing else, a strong ego comes in handy to defend themselves in a competitive work environment. We can sympathize with Amanda, Ohio, who writes: "What women fail to understand men is their unshakable certainty of having to always be right."
It takes a confident man to think that Amanda is not diminishing, when it says that it is not always the case. But there are a lot of women that they take it the same way if they dare to even suggest that they could non avere ragione.
Troviamo irritante che una donna ci tratti dall'alto in basso, agiti un dito verso di noi dicendo:"Per l'amor del cielo, renditi conto che non sei l'ombellico del mondo". Quello che in realtà vuol farci capire è che è lei l'ombellico del mondo. Il che ci porta a parlare del mitico ego femminile.
L'ego femminile non viene sbanderiato come quello maschile. Quindi potreste non riconoscerlo subito. Ma è lì, acquattato come un gatto. Il tratto caratteristico dell'ego femminile è un bisogno insaziabile di adorazione
Gli uomini devono capire che in una relazione una donna vuole e ha bisogno che lui la faccia sentire unica: la donna più bella, più sexy, più sweet and wonderful of his life. A woman needs to feel better.
This is a first definition. But to be adored is not enough.
The legendary female ego wants to be worshiped by man perfect.
"My ideal man must be tall, sensitive, sweet, caring, spiritual, honest, understanding, and must love me for life," writes a woman who answered the survey anonymously Magellan. This woman began his response stating: "Men should be less selfish." And without the slightest trace of irony.
Another woman who answered the survey in turn has presented a long list of demands for Santa Claus.
I like men tall, dark and handsome, that make me compliments, devote all their attention to me, are monogamous, do not have children and want a long term relationship. I am looking for someone who makes me feel special and never been married. A man who does not drink, do not smoke and do not use drugs. I want a special man.
Another characteristic feature of mythical female ego is the desire that men know how to read minds and between the lines. Feel the honest declaration of Trixie, 28 years old, single, lawyer of Philadelphia.
Sometimes they are very demanding, but I also like not to feel this. So, take care of me without my will notice is always the best. Not that I say: "I want this." You know what I mean. In essence, I want someone who is able to read my mind. What is the best way to cuddle.
Anyone who volunteers to meet Trixie? And some believe that will ever be satisfied?
To be honest, the desire that men are able to read between the lines does not arise only from the ego. Expresses a component that is simply ... women.
Women communicate in an indirect way. This facilitates their interaction with other women, but more complicated than with men. In fact, a woman told us about the "Donnes," the language that women use to communicate with each other.
(...) The legendary female ego believes that the "Donnes" is the only language on Earth. When men do not talk like them, women are raging. They come to insults. Too heavy. (...) Today
women say proudly that we pretedere of a certain quality - and its opposite. You know the concept of a rude but sensitive?
A study of 104 British and Japanese women showed that the women preferred men with very masculine during the week when ovulate. When he was shown them the same group of photos in the other three weeks of the cycle, it was found that men find attractive-looking and less rugged-looking più sensibile.
Abbiamo ricevuto una marea di richieste di questo tipo da parte delle donne che hanno risposto al sondaggio. Dana del Texas dichiara: "Le donne vogliono la parità, vogliono essere trattate equamente. Ma vogliamo anche essere trattate come dee. E' questo che voglio".
E chi non lo vorrebbe?
Il sentimento espresso da Dana, ci scommettiamo, è alla base di molte incomprensioni tra uomini e donne. Non è forse il presupposto per l'insorgere di problemi? Quando si arriva al dunque, di solito significa cose del tipo: anche lui deve fare il bucato, ma lei non taglierà l'erba dal prato. Lei può guadagnare il doppio di lui, ma lui deve comunque spendere di più per lei.
Questo sembra perfettamente logical to many women, who can not imagine why on earth we can not understand it.
If you're not already completely confused and can withstand a final contradiction, here served. Invariably, after doth the list of opposite qualities that we should strive to be worthy of acquiring them, the women tell us, how did Sarah from California: "Just be yourself."
Jane, a woman who attended one of the conversations in our living room, it made an interesting suggestion: "I believe that women should marry gay men, and then have lovers."
Jane, maybe you do not have a point.
From "What women really want" - L. Roy Stains & Stefan Bechtel
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