Monday, September 6, 2010

Curing Myself Of Herpes

2010/2011 SCHOOL MUSIC THERAPY Gesualdo (AV)

La Scuola Triennale di Musicoterapia “Carlo Gesualdo” Gesualdo (Av) è lieta di comunicare l’apertura delle selezioni per l’ammissione al corso per l’anno accademico 2010/2011.

Requisiti di accesso: Diploma di scuola media superiore, Diploma di Conservatorio o Compimento medio di uno strumento musicale, Laurea in discipline medico/psicologiche o sociologiche.

also provides access requirement to operate the facilities already in technical and socio-medical rehabilitation as well as in contexts of help relationship (doctors, psychologists, teachers, educators, etc.). To compete you must submit a brief application form with your personal details and attach a curriculum vitae.
For more information call the City of Gesualdo or call 347.7419809 or send mail to the following address: @ sabatino.miranda, 3

This year, after the experience of the 2009 Meeting of Flumeri (AV) we had the pleasure to participate as a clown in our 1st community meeting in San Lorenzo RNCD (BN) 2 to 5 September 2010 at the laboratories of music therapy that has brought the School of Gesualdo "cured" from his imaginative and the Director Sabatino Miranda beautiful Prof. Fausto Russo (psicoterapueta).

With their school hopefully soon to be born a fruitful collaboration to create an "initiatory path integration" of the two approaches "comic therapy and music therapy" that I have shared the same "tools":








DISCIPLINA (della serenità);


...insomma l'ARTE & la SCIENZA i due elementi a base di tutte le medicine.

Ciò per realizzare il sogno della nostra nuova "SQUOLA DI CLOWN Dottori e Sociali"

In the meantime I invite you to buy and read this beautiful volume

"The Medicine of Sound.'s Experience as a sound-relational wellbeing,"
(Perilli - Russian)

Vittorino Andreoli (*) writing of this book:

".. Given the music as a language, expressive and communicative, this is also its intrinsic therapeutic significance .. There is no doubt that there is a close relationship between perception of sounds, rhythms and emotions, with change of mood and behavior;
have not yet carried out research enabling st enables a precise protocol, which ensures a good indication and prediction of therapeutic effects. The problem is to work on an area of \u200b\u200bgreat interest clinically, as can trying to control the dynamics through which music acts .. Occor short study the subject using all the paradigms of a psychiatry that has me however by methodological respect. It will not, in any case, be definitive, as is proper to each discipline that is based on observation, experimentation and should take into account many factors. The volume edited by Gabriel G. Perilli and Fausto Russo: "The medicine of sound, the sound experience as relational- care of itself "is certainly a c ontribution which lies in this direction and is therefore not only reading, but careful consideration by all those who are part of a therapeutic process aimed to suffering and psychological distress. "

(*) Vittorino Andreoli - director of the Department of Psychiatry, Verona - Soave)


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