: seduction techniques
Some will read this article and think I'm wrong. I admit, this is about to confuse and manipulate people's emotions, and in particular to those people who want so much mingled with you. In an ideal world, I would agree. It would be preferable for the people that you like you fell into the arms, without having to do anything. Unfortunately, in reality does not always work that way.
may happen that you spend months to live, breathe, talk nonsense and dying of love for a person to no avail. E 'in such cases that the techniques of seduction seems following gifts of heaven. It is not about black magic and I do not mean that these techniques can make you fall in love with someone against his will. But nonetheless serve to move the scales in your favor.
be around ... but then make yourself unreachable More
interact with a person, the more likely it is that you appreciate. Several studies show that repeated exposure to a stimulus makes us like it any more (the only case that is not the case when our initial reaction is negative). So never mind the top being sullen or unreachable. Instead find many excuses to spend time together.
Now comes the best beware. As soon as you're convinced he had won and leisure begins to be a little less available. And then even less, up to almost not to see more. In this way, effectively triggers the technique of seduction of the "law of scarcity." They know it all, people want what they can not have and are always available if you dilute your value. If every time you leave the house there was a brand new Ferrari for you, not considered so precious, right? The law of scarcity makes you wish. Try to be always present, and then no longer be so, you'll want and like best. I'm saying something obvious, but the fact that pleasure is important. We un gran parlare di chimica, passione, attrazione sessuale e persino di amore, eppure il semplice fatto di "piacere" non ottiene nemmeno uno sguardo. Gli opposti non si attraggono sul lungo termine - cerchiamo un partner che sia simile a noi. Per molti di noi non ha senso vedere amici che non ci piacciono, quindi perchè farlo con un'amante? Se qualcuno ci piace, questo è più importante a lungo termine persino dell'amore. (...)
Lascia che sia lei a fare la carina con te
Se fai qualcosa di gentile per qualcuno, ti senti bene a due livelli. Sei compiaciuto di te stesso e molto ben disposto verso la persona che hai viziato. Per giustificare gli sforzi o la spesa, spesso tendiamo a idealizzare queste persone per renderle degne delle attenzioni! Risultato: quella persona ci piace di più. Quando qualcuno fa qualcosa di carino per noi, a noi fa piacere. Ma molte altre emozioni entrano in gioco - e non tutte positive. A volte ci sentiamo sopraffatti. Si crea tensione per adeguarsi al tipo di persona che ha meritato un simile atto o dono, per non parlare della necessità di rendere il favore. E' tutto ancora più complicato se la "cosa carina" proviene da qualcuno che ti piace ma di cui non sei ancora sicuro, Hai capito? Quando siamo infatuati di una persona, vogliamo disperatamente fare cose carine per lei. Ma è molto meglio lasciare che siano gli altri a viziare te.
Occhio allo sguardo
Lo psicologo di Harvard, Zick Rubin, tried to find out if you could measure the love in a scientific manner and succeeded by recording the time spent by the lovers to look at each other. He found that couples are deeply in love look for 75 percent of the time when talking and are slower to look away when some stranger dare intrude. In a normal conversation, people look for 30-60 percent of the time. The importance of what is now known as Rubin's Scale "is obvious: you can understand how two people love each other by measuring the time spent in adoring eyes. Some psychologists still use it during the consultations of couples to determine how much affection there is still between the two. This information are also particularly useful if you want someone to fall in love with you. Here's how: If you look at someone you like for 75 percent of the time while talking to you, you will have bypassed her brain. The brain knows that the last time someone looked at that person for so long and so often, it meant that there was love. Then think: "Ok, obviously we are in love and begins to leave feniltilamina (PEA). It is a chemical cousin of amphetamines and is secreted by the nervous system when we're falling in love. Because his hands sweat, your stomach seems to leap and the heart starts to beat faster. The more PEA the person you like pump in your bloodstream, the more likely you are to fall in love. Even if you can not honestly force someone to fall in love with you but is at least remotely interested in it really is possible to trigger the production of PEA using this technique of seduction. Test. I think the results will leave you stunned. Give someone the sensation of being in love when he is with you and it will not be convinced that much because of it!
not take his eyes off
There is another crucial discovery in the search for Rubin couples take longer to look away when someone joins the conversation. Again, if you do it with someone who is not (yet) in love with you, it tricks the brain and there will be flows PEA ancora maggiori nel sangue. L'esperto in relazioni Leil Lownes chiama questa tecnica "toffee eyes", occhi caramellosi. Guarda semplicemente negli occhi la persona che ti piace e lascia lo sguardo lì, anche quando ha finito di parlare o qualcun altro si unisce alla conversazione. Quando devi proprio distogliere lo sguardo (dopo 3 o 4 secondi), fallo lentamente e con riluttanza. Forse questa tecnica può non sembrare particolarmente ispirata ma, credimi, se applicata correttamente può letteralmente toglierti il fiato. Se sei troppo timido per guardare direttamente, lascia perdere le caramelle e pensa a una palla che rimbalza. Distogli lo sguardo e guarda chi si è unito alla conversazione. Ma ogni volta che termina una frase, lascia che il tuo sguardo rebounds on the person who dreams. It 's also a measure of control - control your reactions to what is said - and it shows that you're more interested in her that the other person.
From "Conquistala so part 2" - Tracey Cox (Annex Fox Man No. 9 / 2005)
Books on the psyche, love and seduction can be purchased here
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