Thursday, September 16, 2010

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Il Potere della Seduzione

Migliorare la nostra vita di relazione? Conquistare la persona che desideriamo in poco tempo? Rendere più appagante la tua vita sessuale? Questo non solo è possibile, è anche facile e divertente, tanto più perché non è necessario altro che attingere a capacità di cui siamo già in possesso. L’unico sforzo che dobbiamo fare è trovarle dentro di noi e tirarle fuori con fiducia e determinazione. L’avere carisma, l’essere intriganti ed ammaliatori, il magnetismo e il fascino sono tutte caratteristiche che hanno poco a che spartire con la bellezza fisica, con il denaro, con social position. They are rather the communication skills to represent the winning of the best teachers in the history of seduction. So much so that the trump cards of the great seducers, from Casanova to Don Giovanni, are not in the sphere of aesthetic traits, but are mostly due to their competence and skill in terms of communication.
In a nutshell it's all about personal power you believe in yourself, know your values \u200b\u200band goals, knowing where you're going, how to communicate to others their identity and their mission. Anyone of us, even if you do not take advantage of a particular aesthetic attractiveness, can learn and acquire specific communication strategies and behavior, greatly improving their ability to conquer. Just in regular exercise and verify the application of these models will soon ease and naturalness unexpected in creating new social relations.
Having the bank account of Bill Gates, being as beautiful as Brad Pitt and Sharon Stone, driving a gleaming Ferrari is all too easy to believe that these are the qualities that serve to seduce a person. It 's easy to attract if you have access to these weapons: they can work, sure, but these objects are to be seduced, and not the people who own them. And a relationship based on attraction of material goods has nothing to do with the ability of good seducer. In reality the individual is not seeking money or beauty, or material goods, seeks the satisfaction of its values, satisfaction that is achieved by living specific moods. The key to seduction is right here: if we can meet the emotional needs of a person, mean to you the satisfaction of his emotional needs and, therefore, establish a true addiction for us. In this way it will end, in a short time, with the fall for us.
How many romantic movies the protagonist falls in love with an ordinary person, rather than the handsome wealthy and surrounded by luxury? It does nothing but repeat what you feel rich, just as if he lived in a luxury apartment full of expensive items and accessories. In short, if we can not buy a Ferrari to seduce a person, we can make it up on our cars and make them feel as if you were on a luxury car: we just have to adjust your mood, your inner emotions that you have jumping in the car next to us. (...)

... the mood is merely the result of our experiences, our
references and our beliefs about ourselves and others in a given time. And 'as if at the same time, in our mental jukebox, playing dozens of songs together, a mix of many factors that we can learn to control in an easy e veloce. Le canzoni più forti e influenti sono le nostre rappresentazioni interne, il nostro dialogo interiore e la nostra fisiologia, cioè il modo in cui gestiamo i movimenti e gli atteggiamenti corporei.
A sua volta lo stato d’animo ha una fortissima influenza su quali decisioni prendiamo, o scegliamo di non prendere, e di conseguenza sul modo in cui ci comportiamo, in ogni attimo della nostra vita. In che modo tutto questo è utile ai fini di un esito positivo delle nostre strategie di seduzione? E’ presto detto: quando una persona ci interessa, e di conseguenza vogliamo attrarla, dobbiamo convincerla che noi siamo proprio la persona più giusta per lei, facendo così modificare l’atteggiamento ed il comportamento that against us. And to do just enough to go to act on his mood, and the factors that influence it.
reconsider the concept of internal representations: they are nothing but our thoughts, the way in our mind we depict the world. In our minds because each of us plays memories, emotions and ideas to give them meaning and to relive them. Some see still images, bright, colorful and crisp as if it were a painting located a short distance from their eyes. Others depict as if in a movie, then display a sequence of moving images, blurred and fuzzy.
But maybe also the case for the predominance of acoustic mode of reproduction internal events: that you hear a sound or a voice that speaks with a certain tone. A third option instead gives preference to the inner emotions, this is the case of those who, in mentally reconstruct an event or memory, feel a certain kind of inner feelings: a burning sensation in the stomach or a strong heartbeat. All of these sub personal representation of reality are a treasure trove: variandole may from time to time to modify the inner perception of everything, therefore we can change feelings, emotions and attitudes of the protagonist of those perceptions. (...)

From knowing how to use the strategies of representation of reality in a way that we manage unconscious, the applicable to the sphere of seduction, the pitch is very short. Take for example the access strategy to the mood of attraction. What is it that triggers in us the attraction for a person? When someone fascinates us? We just see it? Or is it his voice to excite us? Or is the feeling we experience when we are with you to help us understand who we are attracted? Certainly, whatever our case, it is certain that anyone who wants to seduce us will not have to do is use that situation to make us fall
in its network. And, above all, that is also true: if we know the strategy of the potential partner, seduction will surely to sign. From a technical point of view, access to a state of mind through language depends on the fact that our brains, to understand any language structure, sentence or expression, it needs to revive an unconscious level the emotion on the meaning of the words .
Returning to the metaphor of mental jukebox, we can say any word that is equivalent to a button to call up a particular song, and then a certain mood.

From "Seduction" - Giacomo Bruno

Books on the psyche, love and seduction can be purchased here


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