Sunday, September 19, 2010

Waffle Mix Recipe For Krusteaz

Tips to conquer your woman

She is sitting at a table in the room. Alone and beautiful. When your eyes meet, you can not help but notice that blink of an eye and lips that hint at a smile. A little voice inside tells you that you groped the first step. But for now not to trip (or even later), read on and make full of advice: do not make a wrong move. It really is the right time. The first approach

If your deodorant works, you have 15 seconds to prove you're not just another turkey who just wants to take them off her panties. The important thing is to show you safe, charming and determined. As suggested by Laura Rivolta, psychologist and sexologist in Milan, "a short sentence, but that impact is: Try to tickle his vanity: make an assessment on a piece of clothing you wear, and perhaps ask her where she bought. Demonstrate think that taste and you are not insensitive to his desire to please. If you comment on the colors and the style of its makeup, will send into raptures. Avoid the attitude "pupa, you do not know who I am" did not work even for Leonardo DiCaprio, that the first Spider-Man tried to tow a dancer doing urgently appealing to his celebrity. He was scaricato senza troppi complimenti, e nulla lascia credere che a te possa andare meglio.

La prima telefonata
Bene, hai avuto il suo cellulare. Ma non esaltarti troppo: è proprio qui che molti sbagliano, perchè si illudono di averla in pugno. Invece devi ancora strapparle un "sì" decisivo, quello da cui dipende la continuazione di una storia che non è ancora iniziata. Entro due giorni da quando l'hai avuto, chiamala e proponile una data precisa per un appuntamento. Dille: "Martedì ti andrebbe di cenare da MyKonos? Posso passare a prenderti alle otto". Fissa sempre il primo appuntamento in una serata infrasettimanale: è più facile che sia libera (anche da impegni con il tipo che magari sta frequentando in quel periodo). In ogni caso, non ti venga in mente di belare "se ti capita di essere libera la prossima settimana...". Devi essere forte, deciso e risoluto. Perchè così le donne amano che sia l'uomo.

La prima serata fuori
E' seduta al tavolo con te. Questo significa che, almeno un pò, le interessi. Per portarla fuori la prima volta, cura ovviamente il look, ma non vestirti con un'eccessiva eleganza. Valla a prendere sotto casa e, quando arrivate al ristorante (l'hai invitata a cena, giusto?), accompagnala al tavolo con una mano appoggiata alla spalla o sul fianco: "Sentirà che la tua attenzione è tutta per lei", spiega la dottoressa Rivolta. Poi non comportarti like when you go in a restaurant with friends, and when the bill comes, do not exhibit bundles of bucks to impress ... The most elegant solution is the credit card because even if you spent a huge amount, you need not worry about it until next month ... But back to this: everything is going well and now here again there at the door of his house. At the time of yours, if you have not lifted the elbow, you should be able to tell if you limit yourself to a brotherly kiss on the cheek (translation: "it was all a misunderstanding") or if you can risk something more daring. But do not try to strip the seats of the car. If after a couple of kisses with clinging do not propose to go up, under the facts and say goodbye really: in any case there will be a next time and probably the final will be even more spicy. Do not forget to call you within 24 hours to tell you that you have been well with you and ask you to go out together again. Although it delivered flowers is an idea that you will like for sure.

The first morning after
Upon waking after the first night of sex, remember two simple rules: degassed by and pet them. And if you really must go (you have a meeting at 9), does not give the impression to escape. Although I am 6:08 in the morning, a "how about breakfast?" whispered gently, will turn the other side believes that sei il solito bastardo che non vede l'ora di tagliare la corda.

Il primo incontro con i suoi genitori
Ormai sei compromesso (per libera scelta, ovviamente). E quindi ti tocca conoscere mamma e papà. "Anche perchè guadagnare il consenso dei genitori della tua ragazza è stragicamente molto importante", spiega il dottor Giuseppe Sampognaro, psicologo e psicoterapeuta a Siracursa. Per conquistare la loro stima, presentati al primo incontro con un pensiero poco impegnativo: vanno bene una pianta come una bottiglia di vino dolce, oppure un dessert da consumare dopo cena. Se farai così, sembrerai proprio un gentleman vecchio stampo. "E una volta a tavola con i potenziali futuri suoceri non esagerare con le domande, not always just talk about you and never open your mouth too often, "says Sampognaro. If, despite all your good will, the conversation languished, he speaks of the excellent qualities of their daughter. (...) The next day, if all goes well, send her parents a note of thanks: a touch of class that will impress even further.

The first serious talk about your relationship
E 'mathematician. At some point in your history, she'll ask, "What is the future of our history?". answer that it is too early to talk about it, as do many men, it can be very risky. "Of course, if you asked him after only one month, his application may be premature. But after six months were to ask, you better know how to respond appropriately, "says Dr. Roberto Bernorio ..." Women put such questions when they feel the need to be reassured and accepted, "says our expert. So "early stage of the report tries to give her security, but remember that the promises are a boomerang that could come back." If you think your story can work, however, tell him clearly: you will be grateful. And know how to repay duty.

The first argument
Sooner or later it will happen though ... When discussing for the first time, know that she will judge you on two detectors: Are you ruthless and listen to what you know. "Even if your health would be better to download the anger, in this case you will try to keep the insults," says Dr. Sompognaro. And if you were just an escape, excused now: why the harsh words may remain etched in his mind for eternity and then to peep at the least suitable. "If the discussion goes on for more than ten minutes, you have to stop," warns Sampognaro yet. Distraila with sweetness, And invite to talk about that tomorrow, a fresh mind, to avoid giving the impression of evading them.
This is a demonstration of maturity. The next morning, when they arrived the roses you ordered, anger is subsided and she is ready to forget.

The first holiday
You are excited to go together, but be careful not to run into a catastrophe. There is always a need for a minimum of programming. Throw down a list of things you both want to make absolutely (nap on the beach, abseil to descend from the mountains, perhaps to macramé lace) and then, more importantly, will prepare a draft for those who want to spend time separately. Falle note that it is an advantage for her, saying, for example: "I do not want to bore you with all the nonsense that I plan to do, so why do not you take a couple of hours a day to do our own things?" .

The first "yes" (hopefully only)
Take as an example Paul McCartney, who asked Hearther Mills to marry him during a dinner by candlelight on the beach, giving her a ring with sapphires and diamonds, is not for everyone. If you want to ask her to marry you, no need to think how to bring it to Venice or to prepare a banner to be displayed at the stadium: they are glamorous, but there are better ones. "Put yourself in his shoes and imagine what she might find romantic and unforgettable," advises Jason Rich, author of Will You Marry Me ... Plan everything in advance and try to say out loud what you want. "Improvising is certainly a mistake: you may forget to ask her to marry you or tell her you love her, "says Rich. As he says, is so serious as to make us think that he has really happened! But you see above all not to forget the 'ring: it is banal and predictable, but it is also one for which she will remember forever. Even if your marriage ends with an agreement on food ...

Gerardo and Adriana Amedei Antonelli from "Men's Health No. 40 "

Books on the psyche, love and seduction can be purchased here


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