Thursday, September 23, 2010

Nose Is Sore With Wart What Do I Use

When love ends (for women)

A dropout is a heartbreaking moment It is also an opportunity for renewal. Because the pain is only one side of the separation. The other is a look to the future: they cleared the rubble to make room for changes.

This time it's really over. He left without voltarsi, proprio lui che diceva che non sarebbe mai successo. E in un attimo ci si ritrova sole, sdraiate sul divano, con lo stomaco chiuso dalla disperazione. Torturate da ricordi, pensieri, paure improvvise. Quando un amore finisce tutto sembra senza senso. "Purtroppo l'abbandono è una ferita che non si può rimarginare senza soffrire" precisa Gianna Schelotto, psicologa e sessuologa, autrice del libro Distacchi e altri addii e di Uomini altrove. Storie di cinquantenni in fuga . "All'inizio si sta da cani. Ci sembra di avere perso una parte di noi, quella costruita negli anni passati insieme al compagno. I desideri, i progetti e la nostra stessa immagine cominciano to waver. As if a piece of our identity had gone with him. But after those first, long moments, we realize that sadness is just one of the two aspects of separation. The other side of the coin is a look to the future: the rubble would be cleared to make room for changes. Realizing that growth requires more and to sacrifice something. "
That 's what helps to emerge stronger from the pain." Rebirth begins suffering. That lasts about nine months: the pregnancy, "says John Holland, a psychologist and psychoanalyst who has addressed the issue of abandonment in his book The feelings in a relationship." This is the time needed to clear the brain image of those who went away and regenerate. So to find the desire to pull on his head. "Being hurt is a normal reaction, and inevitably, if you do not strength, even healthy." Endure the pain, showing strong, defiant, disenchanted does not help, "says the psychologist." Emotions need to follow their path and to arrive at their outlets. There are the old feelings and be born again. Only in this way we can fall in love again. "The secret is to retrace the paths of memory in thought." Backwards A discovery that becomes a kind of emotional purification, "says John Holland.
" That will lead us to understand what went work and to warn us from repeating the same mistakes in future. " Perhaps, in a corner of the mind, a voice, almost a torment, saying that something was wrong. A drop

rarely comes overnight. It is usually preceded by a series of clear signals, but ignored. He talks little, only superficial things. The moments of complicity are becoming increasingly rare. Again with the memory of the children in the past does not mean, however, destroy or deny a romance. "It is not easy, but we must do a shot and recover the good times. Exploiting the memories, we bring ourselves indirectly," says Gianna Schelotto. Just what does it take to feel safer and freer. "Women are brought to the dedication," said Ivana Castoldi, psychologist and psychotherapist, author of Better sun. Why it is important enough in themselves . "It 'a biological feature. It is they who give life, home, cultivate it. So they tend to put everyone's needs, including human, before anything. But when he is gone, can pull off the energy they have inside. " Behold, now is the time to devote to themselves.
"There is little stunned in an afternoon of shopping in noisy evenings with friends, occasional events that are ends in themselves. They do not change the attitude of an injured woman" continues Castoldi. "To renew the forces necessary to collect and invest in something more stable. An interest, a leisure activity to be made a regular agenda. A Wednesday night for the reading, the cinema every Friday, walk in the weekend. A fixture, even a foretaste of his mind. Know that around the corner there is something beautiful that you would expect from security. "Without going too fast, but with the certainty of having conquered a space that is all for himself and will never leave us.

" To overcome the pain it takes a bit of discipline, "says Ivana Castoldi." These four exercises help to free from the torment of a broken love affair. "
  1. Write a letter to yourself , striving not so much list of errors and faults, but rather to describe your emotions, feelings and reactions. It will help you to know you better and understand what you need in a new report
  2. Make a list of aims and objectives be very practical and handy to be pursued to change your life. This exercise will teach you to open your eyes to the future, finally bringing the center of your needs and interests, perhaps to facilitate the long-neglected partner.
  3. Stores objects that remind us of the love affair . It 's a gesture that even a symbolic point of view reflects the intention to move on without regret and nostalgia.
  4. Stop pretend detached. You can not forget from day to day. It 's a hypocrite forcing. At certain times there is nothing better than to vent freely.
If she left you, let her go. Why do you want to live miserably? Force, supports the strike, did not give in! Goodbye my love.

From "For me - n ° 02"

Books on the psyche, love and seduction for purchase here


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